Beer Butt Chicken

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Smoking Guru
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Dec 29, 2009
Savage, MN
Seen lots of smoked chickens lately, but my favorite is Beer Butt Chicken.

The stand has a pan that sits under it.  When the dripping fall onto the pan they vaporize up and bastes the chicken.

Rubbed with VOO & Montreal Steak Seasoning.  Skin is crispy and meat is juicy.

Sorry there's no finished pics, but I'm lucky I got this one!

Can't go wrong with Beer Butt Chicken

Thanks for Lookin'!!


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Love beer can chicken. Always cooks great with the steam from the inside 
I'm a FREAK for crispy chicken and the skin is like candy.


Thanks for bringing this one back out, Billy!!!

I missed it the first time---back in June.

Nice color Todd!

Well done Todd.  I share your passion for the yardbird done in this fashion.  Always tender and moist and full of flavor.

I don't know how I missed this!

I agree you can't beat BC chicken!

Yours looks delicious Todd!
That really looks good Todd.

Will add that to my list of to do things.

Ain't sure if I will live long enough to complete list. But I will give it the ole college try. lol
Looks GREAT!    I love Beer Can Chicken.

One way to make it even more interesting is to use some beer with some flavor instead of the typical Light American Lagers.

When cooking, highly hopped beers tend to add a harsh bitterness that competes with the other flavors.   I stay away from things like IPA in those cases, A good rule of thumb is to stay below 25 IBUs when using beer when cooking.

For something like this, an amber or brown beer with lower hopping rate is a great choice.  An easy one to get might be Newcastle Brown Ale, which is from England, but readily available in either bottles or cans here in the US.  A Vienna Lager such as Negra Modelo or even better, Boulevard Bob's 47 Oktoberfest will also work well.  Sierra Nevada Porter is a rich, roasty one that will impart a lot of flavor.  A nice Scottish Ale (Belhaven comes to mind) is another low hopped, high flavor beer that will complement smoking meats.  Guinness Draught is ok, too, but a bit high on the hop bittterness. 

If you can get some, a good Rauchbier (German smoked beer) is THE beer to drink when eating foods off the grill.  My absolute favorite is Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Maerzen, which is from Bamburg.  They make a Bock, a Weizen, and a Helles as well.  All awesome-

We often use something like Newcastle Brown Ale, but when we really want to "taste" the beer, we use New Belgium 1554 Black Ale. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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