BACON (Extra Smoky)

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thanks for the link, the Mrs. OS loves the belly so much (you created a monster) the CB got started imediately and will be on the smoker Thursday with the small loafs also will have start to finish pics posted soon (on a separate thread)

That's Great----I love creating monsters!!

Don't let me miss that thread!!!

Loafs???   You making "Bear Loaf"??

That's Great----I love creating monsters!!

Don't let me miss that thread!!!

Loafs???   You making "Bear Loaf"??


you will see the posts, and the loafs are a cross from a post I saw about salvaging a stick problem, your loaf and my take on them. just a test run , 4 different flavors (one sausage) about 1 1/4lb ea. another experiment either good or bad but i'm all in as typical

keep on smoking,

To anyone on the fence about making their own bacon, I say Bearcarver's bacon smoking technique is the only way I make it now. (Other than wet-brining with Pop's brine, of course, on account'a I'm lazy.)

It gets rave reviews from everyone who has tried it (and almost always, requests for more...
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To anyone on the fence about making their own bacon, I say Bearcarver's bacon smoking technique is the only way I make it now. (Other than wet-brining with Pop's brine, of course, on account'a I'm lazy.)

It gets rave reviews from everyone who has tried it (and almost always, requests for more...
Thank You Sir!!

I Appreciate that.

"you will never buy it in a store again"

No truer words spoken there Bear.

Since you fired me up on home made bacon I can assure you that I now eat at least three times as much as I used to.

I've had a crack at making them all but Belly Bacon is my #1 choice and since introducing my family and friends to it, it seems to be their #1 choice as well.

I travel to family about 250 miles (400ks) away and the golden rule now is "bring bacon"

Cheers from Down Under
Bear, I broke out the MES 30 last week and tried jerky (first for both the MES and jerky).  The jerky came out good for a first time (wife tore it up, guess it was better than good), will be doing more, but now I am going to try bacon.  Gonna follow your way and will let you know how it goes getting the belly on the way home from today...  post for the jerky in the jerky section with qview

Bear, I broke out the MES 30 last week and tried jerky (first for both the MES and jerky).  The jerky came out good for a first time (wife tore it up, guess it was better than good), will be doing more, but now I am going to try bacon.  Gonna follow your way and will let you know how it goes getting the belly on the way home from today...  post for the jerky in the jerky section with qview

Thanks for the Heads up, Bill----Just got back from your Jerky Post---Looks Great !!

Let me know if you have any questions on the Bacon---Just PM me.

"you will never buy it in a store again"

No truer words spoken there Bear.

Since you fired me up on home made bacon I can assure you that I now eat at least three times as much as I used to.

I've had a crack at making them all but Belly Bacon is my #1 choice and since introducing my family and friends to it, it seems to be their #1 choice as well.

I travel to family about 250 miles (400ks) away and the golden rule now is "bring bacon"

Cheers from Down Under
Thank You!!

I'm glad you & the rest like it, Pilch!!

Sorry it took so long to reply.

 It's simple , Easy and works every time....Nuff said

Keep On Smokin,

Thanks Tom!!

Sorry I didn't notice this for awhile---"Old & Slow"!!

Bear I followed your steps and the bacon came out great I was slicing and the wife was frying and eating. She said it was the best bacon egg and cheese biscuit she has had, and that was her dinner.

Bear I followed your steps and the bacon came out great I was slicing and the wife was frying and eating. She said it was the best bacon egg and cheese biscuit she has had, and that was her dinner.

I'm really glad to hear that, Bill !!

That makes my Day !!

The instructions are all in a single line runing up and down on the right side of the screen making it impossible to read. I don't know if it's my iPhone or something on your end? Could I ask you to repost the instructions?
Thank you,
See if this helps  ----
First Day
I cut each belly into 3 pieces that will fit in big zip lock bags, and weighed each piece individually.

Then I weighed out the right amount of Tender Quick (on paper plates) for each piece, and set them aside.

I rinsed each piece, dried them good with paper towels, and rubbed them good with 1/2 ounce (1 TBS) per pound of belly. 
I also added between a tsp and a TBS of brown sugar with each pound of belly, after rubbing the TQ on first. 
I don't mix TQ with anything prior to rubbing the meat, because I like to be able to see that I spread the TQ evenly first.
I then put each piece in it's own zip-lock bag (along with any TQ that fell off, because the cure was measured exactly----I never throw away any cure that falls off, because that would change the amount of cure in the package. I rub them on a dinner plate, so after I put the piece of Belly in the bag, I can scrape any that fell off into the bag, with the piece of meat it was meant to be with. )

I squeezed the extra air out, zipped them shut, and put them in the fridge. I kept the fridge between 37˚ and 38˚.
Calculating curing time:
The thickest place on any of these belly pieces was just under 2".

I calculate there being 4 "half inches" in 2 inches, so that gives me the "4".

Then to that 4 (days), I add 2 more days for safety, the way I was taught.

So that means the absolute minimum cure time by my calculations for these bellies is 6 days.

I then usually add another 2 days on my own, unless I have scheduling problems that make me want to smoke a day or 2 in either direction.

The main thing for these pieces is NO less than 6 days in cure.

Every day, while curing, I remove the packages & flip them over, and massage them a bit.

Moisture will accumulate in the packages. I leave that in, because some of it is curing juices, and at the end of the curing process, it will nearly all be gone through reabsorption.
On day 8,  I removed them from the fridge, rinsed them off in cold water, and soaked them in ice water for 1 hour. Then I patted them dry, cut a couple slices, and did a fry test for salt flavor---Just right!

Note:  You don't have to do a Fry-Test, but once you smoke it, if it's too salty, it's too late to do anything about it!!

I dry them again with paper towels, laid them out on two smoker racks, not touching each other, sprinkled black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder on them, and put the racks in the fridge over night.

Smoking Day
6:45 AM--------------------Preheat my MES 40 to 130˚.

7:00 AM--------------------Put meat in top 3 positions.

7:30 AM--------------------Fill my AMNS with Hickory Dust, light one end, and put it on the bars to the left of the chip burner.

7:30 AM--------------------Cut MES heat back to 120˚.

5:00 PM--------------------Bump heat up to 130˚.

7:00 PM--------------------After 11 1/2 hours of perfect smoke, my AMNS finally burned out.

I killed the power, opened the door, and took some pictures.

The 6 pieces of Bacon had internal temps that ranged from 116˚ to 123˚

Left the door open for awhile to cool down a few degrees.

Wrapped pieces individually with plastic wrap, and put in fridge for 39 hours.

Two days later, I unwrapped the pieces, took pics, and began slicing. 

I only got one plateful sliced, and I realized I forgot to put in freezer for awhile before slicing.

They were not slicing very good, because of being too soft. (I had just sharpened the blade, too)

I put the rest in the freezer, and waited an hour and a half before starting to slice again.
After that, I'd slice a little, and bag a little, while giving the rest time to get hard enough to slice.
It seems two hours in the freezer works best for slicing IMO.
Finally I got it all sliced, vacuum packed & marked. 

I kept one pack out for myself, and gave my Son a few packs to hold him over for awhile.

Then I froze the rest.

This was definitely a smoke that turned out Awesome!

Note: I realize Pork fat renders at a temperature somewhere down around 90˚, but this smoke showed little, if any of that.

When I bought the bellies, I had a total of 17 lbs, 2 oz of Belly.

After trimming some loose fat & meat off of them, I had 16 lbs, 14 oz.

The Belly pieces were sweating for at least the first 6 hours.

During the 12 hour smoke, with temps ranging between 120˚ and 140˚, my MES 40 window was steamed up the whole time (water loss).

The 6 Belly pieces were above each other, 2 pieces per rack, and there was no fat drippings on any from the ones above.

There was also no fat drips in the water pan, on my aluminum heat blocker, or in my AMNS.

When I removed the 6 pieces, after 12 hours of 120˚ to 140˚, the total weight was 16 lbs, 4 oz.

So a total of 10 ounces from just under 17 pounds was lost during the smoke.

I expected a lot more loss, and that 10 ounces must have been all water.

Thank you all for looking, and please enjoy the Qview & BearViews,

The instructions are all in a single line runing up and down on the right side of the screen making it impossible to read. I don't know if it's my iPhone or something on your end? Could I ask you to repost the instructions?
Thank you,
Sorry I missed this post.

Did what Gary posted take care of your problem?  I'm thinking it was your iPhone.

Just yell if I can help. PM me so I don't miss it for 2 weeks!!

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