Quick One-Pan Breakfast Scramble with Crunchy Bits

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Epic Pitmaster
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Sep 7, 2013
Roseville, CA, a suburb of Sacramento
I love breakfast scrambles, but dislike them when they are soft and pasty. I want CRUNCH in my scramble. A flat-top would be perfect for making this, but I don't have one in my kitchen and a griddle is too messy. Sure, I could cook each part separately then combine, and I've done that, but it still comes out softer than I like and dirties more dishes. Consequently, I took my inspiration from wok cooking to come up with this process.

Break 4-6 eggs in a bowl, salt slightly to denature the protein, add milk, cream, or coconut milk, if desired. Scramble with a fork or whisk and set aside.

Heat a 10" frying pan over medium-high heat. Add 8-10 oz sausage filling and flatten.

Fry until one side is slightly browned. Flip and break up with a spatula.


Continue to fry rendering the fat until edges get a little crispy, then push to the side.

Tilt the pan so the fat flows to the open area. Add chopped potatoes or slightly thawed frozen tater tots or hash browns. I used tater tots today and nuked them for a minute. Nuking potatoes for a minute works too and speeds up the process. You can use frozen but it adds about 10 minutes to the cook 'til they thaw.

If using tater tots, brown for a minute then flatten with the spatula and fry until crispy, flip, and repeat. Push to the side.




Add some butter and saute half a chopped onion. Push aside once softened. And add more butter for the eggs.

Turn heat to medium-low and add the eggs. As the eggs cook, push them gently with the spatula toward the pile. Keep doing this until they are mostly cooked but still a bit wet and shiny. Turn off the heat and mix everything together.

The final result is crispy sausage and potatoes mixed into tender fluffy eggs. Total Time about 15-20 minutes if the potatoes are thawed or slightly cooked in the microwave.




Guuuuud Eeeeeatin!

Looks delicious.

I do similar w/o the taters. I use buttermilk to give it a hint of sour cream flavor and add some good salsa. Also plenty of cheese. Sharp cheddar and parmesan. Thanks to your use of potatoes I think I may start adding O'Brien taters to the mix.
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Looks delicious.

I do similar w/o the taters. I use buttermilk to give it a hint of sour cream flavor and add some good salsa. Also plenty of cheese. Sharp cheddar and parmesan. Thanks to your use of potatoes I think I may start adding O'Brien taters to the mix.

Thanks 1MF! This is one flexible breakfast dish. I've used chopped bacon, bell peppers (any color), jalapeños, etc. The process makes it so flexible to get creative and still have the crunchiness..

That sir is my kind of breakfast!! Excellent meal right there for sure. Well done.


Thanks, Robert. Great way to use up aging veggies, too.

I should not have looked at this right before lunch. PB&J isn't going to cut it today.

That PB&J will make you appreciate it that much more when you make it! Breakfast for dinner, anyone?

Heck yeah Ray, I'd belly up to that plate in a heartbeat! I used to dirty up half the stuff in the kitchen making something similar, all that ended with the BS flattop. RAY
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Heck yeah Ray, I'd belly up to that plate in a heartbeat! I used to dirty up half the stuff in the kitchen making something similar, all that ended with the BS flattop. RAY

Thanks, RAY! Our second dishwasher crapped out in January 2021 after 10 years use. Half the stuff I cook with I hand wash anyway. Why fix or replace it? But what can I do to dirty less dishes? Bingo! Almost as efficient as a flat top.
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That looks really yummy Ray. I'll have to do something like this myself soon. I love scrambled breakfasts too. I kind of prefer hash browns but I am willing to try the tater tots first.

Thanks, G. I used to make fresh or buy frozen hash browns all the time. Once I started mashing thawed tater tots, that's what I use if I don't dice up a couple of potatoes.

Good way to start the day !
Thanks, WR! You bet.
Oh man! That looks awesome! I love that cooking technique too! I’ll definitely be trying that this Saturday morning! Thanks for an awesome breakfast!
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It looks to be delicious.
This is my breakfast recipe:
1 Jimmy Dean sage sausage roll
Fill a 1' x 1' electric pan with diced potatoes, onions, and peppers.
Six eggs
Optional: Spinach Cheese
The sausage will be cooked separately in a cast-iron skillet until thoroughly done, and the potatoes will be browned in an electric skillet.
Crack all of the eggs into a bowl, along with any dairy you'll be using to make scrambled eggs.
In a skillet, combine the sausage and potatoes, then pour the eggs over them. Place the spinach on top, cover the skillet, and simmer until the spinach is firm. All temperatures are up to you, however, our skillet never reaches maximum temperature during the procedure.
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Man I would like that plate clean! Nice.
Thank, Brian. If anyone has heart or artery issues, stop reading here.

When I use bacon instead of sausage, I spoon off the extra fat and make a quick white gravy to pour over the top. Sure, it dirties another pan but it is plate lickin' good.

Nice scramble!!

I’m looking at this at work while only having coffee for breakfast. This is torture, I should have never clicked on this:emoji_laughing:

Nicely done!

Thanks, Joe. Consider it coffee and inspiration.

Mmm. Now that would hit the spot! Great looking breakfast!

Thanks, Steve. It's a smile maker!

Geez! This puts my poptart to shame. Now I'm thinking Sunday breakfast is gonna be this. Looks great.

Thanks, Jim. Pop Tarts are a guilty pleasure of mine I haven't had in a while. I'm headed to the store soon. Hmm...

Enjoy Sunday breakfast!


It looks to be delicious.
This is my breakfast recipe:
1 Jimmy Dean sage sausage roll
Fill a 1' x 1' electric pan with diced potatoes, onions, and peppers.
Six eggs
Optional: Spinach Cheese
The sausage will be cooked separately in a cast-iron skillet until thoroughly done, and the potatoes will be browned in an electric skillet.
Crack all of the eggs into a bowl, along with any dairy you'll be using to make scrambled eggs.
In a skillet, combine the sausage and potatoes, then pour the eggs over them. Place the spinach on top, cover the skillet, and simmer until the spinach is firm. All temperatures are up to you, however, our skillet never reaches maximum temperature during the procedure.

Thanks, Jason. I used to do something similar. The wet eggs softened my potatoes too much.

If my wife wants the spinach added in this process, which she often does, I toss it in the eggs as soon as I add them. They soften nicely and add great color and nutrition.
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