Polish Sausages

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Thank you Seminole and DeeJay! I appreciate any feedback ya'll can give me in this. Seminole you're idea of mixing the two is great! I will definately try that soon.

Everyone remember too, those of you who may be on a low sodium diet...that too much potassium can cause heart attack and stroke too, so be sure not to use too much potassium chloride in anything.
finally have my equipment and just got my casings...looking to start my first sausage experiment very soon, looks like I'll be trying polish sausage first!
Krakowska Sausage (Kielbasa Krakowska) has been always one of the top sellers in Poland. It is made in other European countries under names such as: Crakovska Sausage, Krakovska Sausage and so on. One of the top 5 Polish sausages, it derives its name from the old previous Polish capital city of Krakow (Crakow), one of the oldest cities in Poland and in Europe. In 1348 Polish King Kazimir the Great (Kazimierz Wielki) received permission from the Pope for establishing a university in Poland. That was the second oldest university in Central Europe - the first one was established in 1348 in Prague. The University has become known world wide as the Jagellonian University and continues today, as well eas ever. So is Krakowska Sausage.

If you follow the recipe you will see that the sliced sausage has visible chunks of meat in it. There is another popular Polish sausage called Ham Sausage (Kielbasa Szynkowa) which is very similar and it also incorporates solid chunks of meat (ham) inside. Solid chunks of meat retain natural meat juices and flavor better than ground meat. The story goes that Queen Victoria of England had her own very strict rules about making her sausages: 1.The meat had to be chopped, not ground to prevent natural juices from leaking out. 2. The casings had to be filled by hand, the mixture pressed down through a funnel with the thumbs

Krakowska Sausage recipe:

Meat (5 kg total, 11 lb):
A. 2.25 kg (4.95 lb) lean pork such as pork butt (no fat) or lean ham
B. 1.75 kg (3.85 lb) lower class pork, regular butt (30% fat)
C. 0.50 kg (1.10 lb) lower class pork from picnic or leg, may contain sinews and connective tissue
D. 0.50 kg (1.10 lb) beef

Salt – USA
Salt-90 g plus 12 g (2 teaspoons) of Cure #1(it contains 93.75% salt and 6.25% of sodium nitrite). This will give you 2% salt in your sausage and the nitrite content will be 150 ppm (parts per million) which is below the american maximum allowed amount of 156 ppm.

Salt - Europe
If you live in Europe use 100 g of Peklosol (it contains 99.40% salt plus 0.6% of sodium nitrite) and will give you also 2% salt in your sausage but your nitrite content will be 120 ppm which is below European maximum allowed amount of 150 ppm.

Pepper – 6.0 g (3 teaspoons). White pepper is often used as it does not show on slices.
Garlic – 2.5 g (1 clove). Up to 15 g (5 cloves) of garlic may be added if desired.
Corriander – 1.0 g (1 teaspoon)

Some may wonder that so little spices were used. Well, if you use good meats like the ones that go into this sausage and no chemicals you donâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t need much spices otherwise you will distort the natural flavor of meat and Krakowska Sausage.


1. Meat is cured. This imparts a characteristic color and flavor to the meat. It also eliminates possibility of food poisoning (botulism) when smoking. This is especially important when smoking at low temperatures and this sausage was originally smoked with cold smoke and not cooked.
Cut meat into 5 cm (2â€) pieces, add salt, sugar and Cure #1 (or Peklosol) and mix well together. Place in a suitable container, cover with a cloth to allow breathing and leave in a refrigerator for 48-72 hours.

2. Grind pork (regular butt, see point B) through 20 mm (3/4â€) plate. Donâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t grind lean pork, leave as 2†cubes (previously cut for curing). Grind pork (see C) and beef through 2 mm (1/8â€) plate and then emulsify in a food processor adding 40-50% ice or cold water (in relation to the sausage mass). If no food processor available, grind 2 or 3 times through a 2 mm (1/8â€) plate. Add remaining ingredients when emulsifying.

3. Mix everything together until mixture becomes gluey (sticky).

4. Stuff firmly into 75 mm synthetic fibrous casings and form 35 – 40 cm (14-16â€) links (It is a large sausage). Tie the ends with butcherâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s twine and make a hanging loop on one end.

5. Hang it for 60 min at room temperature. You may place it into preheated to 54º C (130º F) smoker for 30 min without applying smoke yet.

6. Smoke it with hot smoke (about 60º C, 140º F) for about 110 – 130 min.

7. Poach sausages in water at 72º-75º C (161º-167º F) for about 55-75 min until the internal meat temperature becomes 68º – 70º C (154º – 158º F).

8. Shower with cold water for about 5 min then lower sausage temperature to below 12º C (53º F).

9. Store it in a refrigerator where it will keep very well.

Recipe courtesy www.wedlinydomowe.com
Excellent job of describing what's involved. Although I'm an old hand at fresh sausage making, I'd feel confident enough to give this a shot right out of the box! The next time I get some time for me I'll give this a try!
Love the site and this whole thread......thanks so much for all of this great information Seminole!
Seminole -

What exactly makes a Polish sausage polish? Sounds weird I guess but Italian sausage is known for garlic, anise, fennel stuff like that - what's a Polish sausage know for?
Debi.........why would you double up on the liquorice tasting spices..........anise and fennel...........

i don't care for either.......but using both of them, wouldn't that end up overpowering the meat?


For American plants the word Polish Sausage or Kielbasa means the same thing: a sausage stuffed into 36 mm and 1 foot long casing, regardless of the meat combination or spices used. This is a marketing trick to convince a customer that he is buying some original product. Pure nonsense as half of the world sausages will qualify to be called by that name if you use Polish language. Italian sausage is much better defined and fennel gives it this wonderful character. Push cart street vendors in Manhattan fry Italian sausages with onions and green peppers on a hot plate and serve them on a 6" long roll. One can smell this wonderful aroma from far away.

We know of only one sausage that carries the word “Polish†in its name and that is the Polish Smoked Sausage (Polska Kielbasa Wedzona). This is probably what the first immigrants brought with them to America.

For centuries Polish Smoked Sausage was made of pork, salt, pepper, garlic and marjoram (optional). Then in 1964 the Polish Government introduced a second version of the sausage that was made of 80% pork and 20% beef. All other ingredients: salt, pepper, sugar, garlic, and marjoram remain the same in both recipes. The marjoram is optional but the garlic is a must. Meat is cured and the sausage is smoked.

There are over 100 sausages in Poland each with its own name: Kielbasa Mysliwska, Kielbasa Krakowska, Kielbasa Biala, Kielbasa Zywiecka, Kielbasa Rzeszowska, Kielbasa Wiejska, Kielbasa Weselna, Kielbasa Limanowska, Kielbasa Szynkowa, etc. As you can see the word Kielbasa is very general and by itself means only a sausage and must be followed by a proper name. Nobody really knows all sausages but an average person might be familiar with about 20 of them. Bear in mind that special sausages such as head cheeses, liver and blood sausages are very popular in Poland and in Europe and they also have their own names.

If you still want more information, including how American plants make it, you can find it under the following link:

Dont mean to bring up an old thread, but I have to second the comment on kabanosy!! They ARE THE FINEST MEAT STICKS...they're addicting!!! My parents are Polish and they use to get these all the time. It's been a long time, but I plan on making these soon.
???? Great thread, glad you brought it up. Already bookmarked the site.

There have been many many new members here since the original post and I'm sure several of them will find this of great interest.
OK....I have a question here....and please forgiver my newbie question.

I have been looking through MANY sausage recipes, and all of them say to grind the meat then mix in the spices.

Why not cut the meat into your preferred shape and toss the spices in it, then grind and then adjust the spices after the grind...which you would be doing anyway?

I tried that method with Polish Sausage once and it came out good. I also let it sit over night before grinding to let the flavours really develop.

I have only read about one other person doing it that way, and I was wondering if there is anything wrong with what I am doing? Are there any drawbacks? Risks?

Just so you know....I do not usually use Nitrate and Nitrite cures. I mostly make fresh sausages that are either frozen or cooked in the next 3-5 days. I am just now taking a dip into Cured meats. I have had some good success with BuckBoard curing of Pork Belly for bacon. This has empowered me to try cured sausages.
OK....I have a question here....and please forgiver my newbie question.
Why not cut the meat into your preferred shape and toss the spices in it, then grind and then adjust the spices after the grind...which you would be doing anyway?

There's nothing really wrong with doing that...I do it that way with some sausages...the only issue is that it tends to be messier than the alternative.

Whatever works best for you is the way to go! :biggrin:

Joe, that's exactly how I make nearly all of my sausage. I will dice the meat 24-72 hours before I'm planning on grinding and mix with salt and cure and let it hang in the fridge. If I'm doing a fresh sausage, I will do the same thing, but I won't let it sit for any longer than 24 hrs. Some powdered and dried spices can go rancid if left in the fridge premixed too long. Personally, I feel like I get a more thorough mixture this way. Another plus to doing this is by premixing the salt with the meat, you're aiding in producing a juicer final product (if cooked right that is). 
Thanks for the reassurance. I am in the planning stages for a party over New Years, and I usually come up with cold smoked cheeses and salmon(lox), and I want to expand my offerings into sausages.
Does anyone have a recipe for beef Kielbasa? And can I get away with not using cure if it's going to be frozen after a hot smoke? I'm going  to use "hot dog" size cellulose casing FWIW. Have a kosher keeper in the house.
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