Hot Sauce 101

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
Jun 11, 2013
Well the garden really produced this year and the harvest is over. We had great success with our cucumbers, beans, zucchini, different varieties of leaf lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers, peppers, peppers!!!

I wish I had taken some pics of the garden this year. Probably our best one yet. The tomatoes, leaf lettuce, and beans were enjoyed all summer long. The cucumbers were eaten and turned into a variety of pickles as usual. We pulled and ate a lot of peppers. But we had so many and we were on frost alert last week so I had to pick them quick. That meant it was hot Sauce time!

Here’s a quick tutorial on how to make an easy hot sauce. This is the way we do it around Wonder Dog Ranch every fall.


Here’s a tray of the hot peppers I pulled the day before the frost. Left hundreds of habos out there. Just didn’t need them. They produced like champs this year.


The sweet bell and carmine peppers in another tin.


More bells on the kitchen window ledge.

I did a to many sauces this year and took more pics on some and less on others. You get busy and forget. Sorry about that. I have the most pics of the last Sauce i made this year which I named 13 Ghosts. Because of this place I’m going to use this sauce as the tutorial.

Wonder Dog Ranch 13 Ghosts Hot Sauce:


Here’s why’s it’s named 13 Ghosts.


Ghost peppers with seeds removed. I don’t waste a ton of time getting every single seed out. If I miss a few it is what it is.


Keeping with the 13 theme let’s add 13 habos to the mix.


Pots starting to look hot.


Add garlic.


Add bell peppers.


Add onions, jalapeños, and a few salsa peppers.


Cover all ingredients with water and bring to a boil. Boil for about 10-15 minutes on high then bring down to a simmer.

CAUTION: these hotter peppers will turn your home into a police, pepper spray training course! I cannot over emphasize this. If you have kids or anyone who is sensitive to this take it outside and use the grill. After making this sauce my wife complained and coughed for a few days. Tender times at the ranch....


Simmer until almost all the water is gone. But be careful you don't want to burn on the bottom.


Put what’s left in the blender. Again be careful with this. Hot in The blender can bad. BE SAFE.


All blended up.


Strainer ready.


Sauce strained.


Nice smooth sauce.


Salt, pepper & some honey added.


Add vinegar and distilled water to reach your desired flavor & consistency.


Wash & Boil your bottles. I also reheat the sauce in a pan before bottling. It thins it out and helps it to pour better.


13 Ghost sauce bottled up! These were the last of over 75 bottles I had this year. I made this overly hot, hot sauce just to use them up.


Bottle labels being printed over at xtreme robs. Rob is out local graphics guy and he can do anything from decals, to shirts. To banners. Thanks a lot rob for the great decals for this years hot sauce!


Ladies & gentlemen I give you the 2018 hot sauce’s from Wonder Dog Ranch.

We started with Orange Habanero, Peach Habanero, Cherry Bomb, and Ghost Mango.

We used a great pic of Wonder Dog Ranches Hooper the Wonder Dog in Arkansas hunting last January for the hot sauce labels. Here it is:


I love this pic of ole hoop! Eyes to the sky! Any duck hunter can tell this dog is all business! Dogs my best friend and it’s killing us both that she tore her acl the day after the fattie contest and lost this years hunting season. For those who want to know she’s doing well, and healing up pretty good.

The Cherry Bomb sauce was cherries, and cherry peppers. The heat got lost durning the process. I think it just wasn’t enough heat with those mild peppers and then adding the vinegar....

Orange Habo is a habanero based sauce with real oranges and some OJ used for the sweetness.

Peach Habo sauce was a Habo based sauce with white flesh peaches used for the sugar. Some honey as well.

Ghost Mango was a ghost pepper sauce that used mangos to offset the heat. It’s not nearly as hot as the “ghost” makes it sound. I really added a lot of mangos to offset the heat.

On the last day of early goose season my buddy Robby, @chocdog , myself, and Wonder Dog Ranches Super Champion Scout limited out in 28 minutes and took this great pic:


I knew I had to make a special hot sauce for this occasion. So we made Wonder Dog Ranch Limited Out 2018. This sauce was cherry peppers mixed with Habos, and a few ghosts. I believe there’s a bit of molasses in this one as well. No fruit. Just heat for this limited edition sauce. Here’s the label:


Scout sitting with her retrieves like a champion! This day was worth a special sauce!

No label for the 13 Ghost sauce as I already bothered xtreme rob twice for labels. And the 13 sauce was only a few bottles for a few people I know who like to torture there mouth.

I hope y’all enjoyed this post and I hope it might have taught somebody something. It’s no @Bearcarver tutorial but it’s the best I can do. I think it shows the basics of making hot sauce and I hope it inspires someone who wouldn’t give it a try to jump into it! It’s easy and a great gift!

Quick note: xtreme rob asked me how much I sell this stuff for... told him I always give it away. When we started looking at what I had into it I needed a few more beers. Lol! He said I should sell it. I think that’d take all the fun out of it!

Enjoy SMF,
Scott, Hooper, and Scout


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Appreciate it chili! High praise from a member like you!

Scott that is a fine tutorial, Nicely done, and the sauce looks out of this world. Great Job. I'm glad Hoop is mending well - it's tough for a pooch to understand they have to take it easy sometimes.

Point for sure.

Nice job on the sauce I have a bunch of reapers to pick still.Going to save this I have a ferment going with the reapers.
Great thread!
Great tutorial!
Very nicely done, Scott!!
And it sure looks good on the carousel!!
I can taste the heat coming off my computer screen. All looks great. We did an emergency pepper harvest yesterday in advance of a freeze warning (got to 23* overnite).
Very nice tutorial Scott. I am still waiting for mine;). Glad Hooper is getting better. I might have to come out to the parlor Thursday night to sample the sauces.

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Nice! I made a batch of Choc Hab hot sauce and was wondering about bottles and labels but ended up getting a two pack of white/transparent condiment bottles at the Dollar Tree. It turned out pretty smooth but can cut the tips to size depending on consistency. It seems to be the year of the pepper with about 1,000 peppers on two plants.
My tongue is burning just looking at this thread!
Whew Hoo!

I hope Hoop heals up good.
My little guy is my best friend, too. He's almost 15 years old now.
I'll take a Cherry bomb and Orange Hab and give you a more then a few beers rofl!

Looks great. Glad you guys had success with Scout. Some day I'll learn how to hunt bird and ask you guys to take me with. Never hunted with a dog before, my cousin claims his dog can do it, but the thing spends more time trying to get in the lunch cooler then trying to get the squirrels we shot.. LOL
I'll take a Cherry bomb and Orange Hab and give you a more then a few beers rofl!

Looks great. Glad you guys had success with Scout. Some day I'll learn how to hunt bird and ask you guys to take me with. Never hunted with a dog before, my cousin claims his dog can do it, but the thing spends more time trying to get in the lunch cooler then trying to get the squirrels we shot.. LOL

If you eat those ghost peppers, you will be sitting in a cooler of ice.

My no name ghost pepper sauce:

About two cups ghost peppers
A cup of apple cider vinegar
A cup of molasses
Liquify in blender, strain, simmer and reduce to about one cup.
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If you eat those ghost peppers, you will be sitting in a cooler of ice.

My no name ghost pepper sauce:

About two cups ghost peppers
A cup of apple cider vinegar
A cup of molasses
Liquify in blender, strain, simmer and reduce to about one cup.
I don't think I'd eat the ghost pepper stuff. I mean..actually if Chocdog got me going on a dare I probably would. I think if I spent a weekend with those guys I'd be having a blast until some one got me to eat ghost pepper hot sauce. Then I'd be living in the cooler.. LOL!

Heat level not what you expected? Too hot? I think these things are pure fire.

Appreciate it chris.

Yeah ole hoop just doesn’t get it when I take scout out hunting every weekend. Makes you feel bad. But in the long run it’s helping her. What can you do?


I grew one Trinidad scorpion plant this year. It didn’t do to well. Only produced 3 peppers. I froze them. Not sure what I’m gonna do with them yet.

Make some sauce with some of yours and let me know how it turns out!

Appreciate it al!

Figured this thread could help people see how easy making hot sauce is and get some more people to jump in.

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