Hello there, I'm new here.

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Original poster
Jan 16, 2013
Boston, MA
Hello fellow smoker enthusiasts,

I'm Brett from Boston and I've been a lifelong griller but got a smoker a few years ago and have been hooked ever since. Football season is especially great around here and most Sundays if I'm not at a game we do something big and fun. Pulled pork is always a fan favorite but we are always trying new things.

There will be brisket on Sunday and the following week I'm having the guys over for poker and we are discussing exotic meats. Any ideas?

I've been known to post pix on Facebook of my escapades in smoking. Is that appropriate here?

Anyway, interested to make some new friends, learn some things and maybe share a trick or two I've learned along the way.


Hi Brett! 
to SMF!!! We're happy you joined us! Would you do us a favor and add your location to your profile, Thanks! Yea we love pictures around here!
:welcome1: to SMF! happy to have you! What are you going to make for Super Bowl eats? Gotta show pics!
I will do that now. I thought I had but must not have saved. So when I post photos, do I attach to this thread or just start a new one?
Thanks in advance,
I'm actually going to a Super Bowl party so I don't know yet but I'm thinking about one of those sausage fatties I saw on the smoking-meat site. That looked amazing! So I may have to swing by with one of those. Any ideas for a good think that doesn't take all day to do?

Thanks in advance,
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