interesting and troubling

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capt dan

Gone but not forgotten. RIP
Original poster
OTBS Member
Nov 2, 2007
Before the latest shut down, but after the first crash, I get with Brian and get my status back to within a few hundred (posts and points), I come back to check on things here and see the new look and see I hane again lost about 1000 posts and no one has points.

That is my last thread that I posted here with pics, notice the difference in totals.

I then go through some of the members list to see if other members with high counts have losat alot of posts too. I couldn't believe what I found and never ever knew. more than half of the 12002 members at this site have never ever made a post!

Are these ficticious names to bolster the member count ? wouldn't it be a good policy to delete the members who are not active at least within the last 3-4 months. Theres like 340 sumpthing pages of names on the list.

I just found it interesting during one of short visits here today.

Keep up the good work Brian ! Its lookin better every day!
Most boards i'm on purge the member list once a year. But there's alot of trolls that create a name to post once or twice then vanish.
Ok, Im just curious about this. I see some on here awarding points. What are they for? Also, some members are OTBS. I know what it stands for, but how does one become a member? I see some have 1000 plus posts and are OTBS members while others have just a few? Im not looking for status or anything, Im just curious on how this works. Thanks.
Also, I just looked at my avatar and under it it says senior member. When did that happen? I know the answers are probably posted somewhere here on the forum, but I have dial up and my service is SO S L O would take me weeks to find it LOL
I was more shocked to see OTBS members who have been banned, it was also odd that I found one OTBS member that has under 300 posts as its been implied you need to post like a madman to get in, and then theres another OTBS member that had over 4000 posts but has apparently never had an original though as he has never started a single thread. If you are allready in the OTBS why would you can about post count and points, one of the guys lost in the crash was a 3 time overall and 12 time category ROYAL winner, post count, points and OTBS be darned I wanna learn from that "dude"
yes we have lost a few very well seasoned members who were very active.

The OTBS status has less to do with number of posts as to the quality of the posts and the willingness to share good/correct info, show pics of their smoked foods, and help others in their quest for perfect BBQ.

I think to purge un active members would be a great idea, but it would also lower the member count to about 3-5 K.Perhaps it is an advertising issue.I just was amazed by it.

JDT, the OTBS is a good thing to be part of,but unfortunately there are too many knights who do feel the same as you do about it, and don't post much or stay as active once they have reached that benchmark.

People should still continue to help when they can, and show some of their smokes after they have been knighted. It's not the end of the game.
I would think all that info (points and ect..) will be coming back soon. I am sure this is a generic layout for right now. just to get us up and running again. another site i go to is doing the same thing. and they have the generic vbulletin layout up because it is easier to fix little operating problems when they for post counts ya i lost some but I really don't care much about that "stat"..they will come back in time.
I agree the OTBS is a good thing to be part of, something I hope to be part of eventually, I ain't in no hurry, I haven't even figured out the photobucket thing yet lol, any picture I posted is wasted space saved to my personal pc at this point. Of course my ecb is dead and gone and my custom offset ain't getting picked up until 3-13-09 so I can't really post any q vue anyway. Sorry if I pissed you off Dan, I was not trying to say the OTBS is not legit, the members contained within have more smoking experience and knowledge than I have and I look forwarding to learning from them and probably you to, I am glad the OTBS guys are active, they are the ones with the real passion, some may not have the time for newbee questions but others have replied to the same question a dozen times or more without any smark aleck comments like "use the search" and the crap you see on other forums.
JDT, you didn't piss me off. Hope I didn't sound that way.

I just had a lengthy reply but it got erased or timed out, so I'll make this fast.

I have helped a few folks and I have also been one othe folks who on occassion will ask folks to use the search function. May times its for questions taht where answered a day before or are on the very next page. There are lotsa good folks to help here, so usually it doesn't go for very long untill an answer is found.
I do wish people would use the search function, it's what its there for, I use it all the time..

Looking forward to seeing your new rig.

Brian, Thanks for the post adjustment!:)
as Dan states OTBS is all particapation-and Qview-and yes we have answered the questions over and over & we will continue to.I have been in-active around here for other reasons & yes all I have out here in the boonies is dial up too so posting pics is a pain.All you knew people Welcome aboard and things will back to semi normal real soon.
As far as I can tell, I lost all my stuff. Hard to figure things out over the last few weeks.
Lost a lot of Qview for sure. IIRC I had nearly as many points as Capt (one less light green) but not near the # of posts. (700 or so) Short timers like me had most of our content in that span of time that was lost. It's not so much the pics that are missed as the info on the prep and smoke. Add to that the comments and suggestions from others and you can't replace that. We just keep smoking and move on. :)
I know this is opening a can of worms but if you see a problem pm me. I know about lot of them but if you have lost something let me know and i will get to it in time.

Thanks again for everyone being patient.

Your welcome Dan.
Some OTBS members lost thousands of posts in the shuffle. Thats why it may now show that they have only a hundred or so posts. When in reality their body of work, knowlege and help on this site was excellent. You cannot take the post count into consideration when deciding who should or should not be OTBS. Don't worry the folks who run this site have long memories and know why an individual is OTBS or not.

I have been here only about 5-6 months or so but it was during the time period that we lost so much data. I lost most of my 1200 posts and it now shows that I have posted very few. Others lost way more than I did. If you go by what the count says you'd think I hardly ever posted.

People with zero post count ( lurkers ) are under no obligation to post, no one is . Some people like me are gabby some are not. Both types are welcome and advertisers love a high count. They know that lurkers read ads and buy things just as much as anyone.

The numbers don't make SMF , the people do.
I'm with you, Gnu! I'm here to learn and to get feedback so I can improve. If I can help others, that's even better (and satisfying). People will always come and go, but keeping the volume of knowledge is the thing.
Lost lots of post during the first round and more the second time. On the OTBS thing I saw more value in it the way it was before vs. how it is/was now (notice its not back in the forum list). Too much like a popularity contest now.
I was glad to see SMF up and running, been having withdrawals. I got locked out, a quick email to the moderators, and I was back on. Very impressed with the speed of service.

Thank you Mods.

I will post this again

Things are not fully back up give it some time my profile, post count and rep points aren't right either but given time I'm sure things will get back to normal like the thread says

Oh and back to the orginal post there are lots of people who come here and read the threads they have registered and never made a single post. Often times when I see a name in the "whos online" area that I don't reconize I click on it and see that person has been a member for quite awhile and hasn't ever posted guess they wanna drool over the Qview tho.
Same boat as you :).

In the first round crash I lost about 400 post, 500 rep points (now the rest are MIA) and lots of time spent on q view posts. All we can do is hope going forward things are a little better protected. Have more faith now with Brian at the helm. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.