Hi Eveyone I Can Use Some Well Wishes And Prayers If You Like

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Gone but not forgotten. RIP
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Apr 27, 2008
Just a bit of history:

A few years ago I went to one of those mobile medical screening things where they do several tests, ultra sounds etc. It was about 120.00 dollars. They found that I had a Aortic Anuerysm and advised me to get a specielist to look at me. I was told that it was in the safe zone and to get regular check ups every year. Well this was the year of reckoning. i was told that it has gotten bigger and the time has come to get it fixed.

Long story short I have get an operation on Thursday and I am scared to death. I have never been in the hospital in my life. Between selling the house and moving it is very stressful, not to mention I was lifting boxes for the move, a no no.

To make matters worse Carol is in Utah and can't get off work to be here, and with no friends or relatives here, well, a few but not good ones I have to face this alone.

I am told it is a non invasive operation, so they just make a small incisison inside each in the groin and put a stint in and run it up the blood vessel to where the problem is.

Carol was hoping I could wait till I got to Utah, but I can't as I am a walking time bomb, if it ruptures I most likely would die.

So, thursday is the day, and I have to be there at 5:30 AM for pre op. I was told there was a 98% success rate, just hope that's where I'll be. If all goes well, I am taking my laptop and hopefully post that afternoon.


Thank you in advance. Did I say I am Scared? Anyone have any positive experience with this condition?

Please get some screening if the mobile thing comes to your city, it could save my life and maybe yours also.
Ron, I'll be think and praying for you. I have participated in a few of these procedures in our hospital here ( I am a Cardiovascular nurse in our cath lab). We don't do a lot of them, due to our size, but the ones I have been in on have ALL gone very, very well. It is a very minimally invasive procedure, which is a good thing. Much shorter time with anesthesia, much shorter recovery, and as good or better repair as a full on open surgery. These devices are very well tested, safe and effective. I have every confidence that this will be a success for you. My best. MP
My father in law has had several procedures similar to what you mention. I think it was a baloon insertion to expand some blood vessels...I can't remember what it's called...OH, ANGIOPLASTY. He's in his seventies now, and this was in the last 10 years or so, as I recall.

I remember the mention of it being a very uncomfortable experience for him, as his was done without anesthesia so that he could tell the surgeon where he could feel the position of the instrument, so they could be sure it was going where they wanted it to go.

You'll do fine, brother. The risks are very minimal compared to many other procedures.

Also, my wife is putting you on a prayer chain first thing in the morning.

Thoughts and prayers coming your way.

We'll be here for ya, buddy!

Praying for you here, too, Ron. I know that you're scared (I would be, too), but this procedure sounds pretty tame compared to other ones. You'll make it through just fine! Hang in there and think about what you're going to smoke next when you get done with all of this unpleasantness.
Ron, I underwent a hernia operation when I was 10 y.o. didnt bother me a bit. I had a tooth yanked a few weeks ago and was more scared than burning a butt, You will be fine!
Good luck Ron - this is gonna turn out OK and just be another little bump in the road - Just keep the positive vibes we are sending you at the top of your thoughts
Ron I'll continue to pray it all works out well for you. Wish there was more I could do for you. I'm sure all will go well try to keep a positive attitude and follow the Dr's orders after you get out of the hospital
The bible tells us that "the prayers of a righteous man availeth much." While I don't see myself as righteous (except as made righteous by Christ), my prayers lately have been answered so I'll add one more for you right now!

God be with you!

Oh boy, brother, you came to the right place! Hospitals I know a lot about with 2 cancers and a stroke, plus all the minor crap too!

1) Start Early and Often! Beg for an extra ice cream right off the bat! Try to swap your jello for a salad or piece of chicken too.

2) SAVE YOUR GINGERALE! When they come looking for a urine sample fill the cup up with some stale ginger ale. Ask the nurse when they come to pick it up if she thinks its cloudy, then toss it down and tell her you'll run it through again!

3) There's two staffs - the hospital staff and the hospital staph - you don't wanna bring either one home with you, believe me! (My back operation drained for 6 weeks enough to fill a bath towel every day until the meds finally killed the staph infection!)

4) Pay for the TV, not your neighbor! Then you get to shut it off when you want to!

5) I'll warn you right now, they'll get you up when you're not even awake yet, so be careful and DO NOT trip on your catheter line! OMG...

6) Hide spoons in your bed so you can bribe an orderly for more ice cream. They don't need the spoons but they'll admire your craftiness, lol!

7) Take your own aspirin - tell them it's specially formulated just for your wallet so it only costs 2¢ each instead of $10 each...

8) Take off your wedding ring NOW if you value your knuckles..

9) Don't forget to bring home your 'hospitality package'.. the bucket, the plastic tray, etc. You paid $800 for it, it's yours... (actually the bucket is good for seasoning meat parts with rub!)

10) Last but not least, pre-plan to have a friend smuggle you in a Big Mac and a bottle of Yoshida's.. it'll be the only way you can stand the meat loaf!

Hoped it made you smile! Good Luck and get well quick!
Good luck Ron! Sorry I don't live closer so I could go with you...or come do some heavy lifting since you are still packing,and definitly should not be lifting after this! Everything will come out great you'll see!

Best wishs Ron

been down that road about 4 years ago it was no problem ,no pain you just need to take it easy for a couple of days .
take care
I get nervous too when I'm in the hospital for anything.As tough as I think I am it's still nice to have someone there.We will all be there in spirit and this is a great group of people.Let them know about your concerns and they will help you through this,it might be your first time but not theirs.It's amazing what they can do now days and I'm sure you'll feel just like 18 again.Your in our thoughts and prayers and things will be fine and better.Bill
Prayers from Minnesota, My Friend!!!

The key to your success is going to be taking it EASY for a few days, to heal up.

Like SOB, wish we were closer! We would have you packed and shipped out in a day!!!

Todd Johnson
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