At it again....This time Roasted Red and Cracked Black Pepper Blanc

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Fire Starter
Original poster
Jul 10, 2013
Joplin, Missouri
Well a little slow tonight in the kitchen at work so I thought I would make some more cheese. I know a lot of people have been intriqued by my last post on making some Monterey Jack so here is one that I can give you the recipe on. The base is just for the cheese, you can add whatever you want to it after that. This cheese takes no special ingredients, and can be made soft in as little as 15min or semi-hard in about 6 hours.

1 Gallon Milk*
1/2 Cup of Acid (Lime Juice, Vinegar, Lemon Juice, etc)
1 Tbl Salt
Flavorings as desired

*Raw milk is the best for making cheese IMHO, but unfortunatly is unable to be attained through retail outlets in most states. Any store bought milk will usually work as long as it is not High Temperature Pasturized. Pasteurised is fine just not HIGH TEMP. If using raw milk, I usually pastureize myself by rasing the milk to 145°F and hold it there for 30 minutes. Then chill with an ice bath as quick as possible. Make sure not to exceede this temperature or you will have problems getting the curd to set.

-Heat milk in stock or sauce pot until near boiling. If using a thermometer bring to 185°F and then remove from heat.

-Using up and down motions, stir in 1/2 Cup of your choice of acid. (I notice a little bit of lingering taste in the finished cheese. Some may not, but still choose your acid carefully for your intended purpose)

-Let pot sit for 5 minutes

-You should have a well defined break between the curds and whey in your milk now. If not feel free to add more acid 1/8C at a time. Be cautious of using too much or the taste may interfere with the finished product.

-Strain the liquid through a cheesecloth or tea towl lined colander. You can find many uses for the left over whey online if you so desire.

- Tie up the ends of the cheese cloth and allow to hang for 5-10minutes.

-Mix in 1 Tbl Salt and desired seasonings or flavorings.

-Cheese can served immediatly or the cheese can be pressed to create a more firm product. Using a cheese press or other method weigh with 6-10lbs for 4-6 hours.

Good Luck
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Thanks, that is pretty cool. would you venture a suggestion for the acid, is balsamic better than apple cider, or would limeade have a sweeter end product than lime juice. heck would sugar hurt it as a flavoring? White vinegar more neutral than anything else?

I will most definitely try this, this weekend. I have been wanting to do it for along time now. Even thought about mozzarella. Just never got there.

Thanks again, I really appreciate the shove.

PS Please don't tell me I'll need even another fridge. LOL
I currently have 2 deep freezers and two refrigerators. One is used for food, everything else is Beer, Sausage, and Cheese! My GF thinks im nuts, but thats what she gets for dating a professional chef that has too much free time!

I dont make this a lot, but really white vinegar is about as neutral as it gets for your acid. I will use something else if my intended purpose calls for it. If I was going to use the cheese crumpled on some tacos for instance I may use lime juice. I would think balsamic could be good if you wrere putting it on a salad of sort. Just play with it but the acid isn't the only flavor in the cheese. You acctually pour a lot off in the whey.

Let us know how it goes.

BTW most people try to start with mozzerella. It is not an easy feat to pull off if you are a newbie. I would suggest learning the softer cheeses like the one I provided. Even get into cream cheeses and yoghurts. Then work into your queso fresco, queso blanc, ricotta, marscapones...then try out streched curds like mozz and the simple hard cheeses like colby, jack, gouda. just my 2c
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I love cheese, but I guess favorites are Camembert, ghuda, and I can't help it, I love wisconsin red rind cheddar, we call it rat cheese and for some reason its gone thru the roof when I can find it. My problem with Mozzerella was that dang hot water. If I liked hot water I would wash my hands more! But I would guess it to be one of the easiest flavors to achieve.

But thanks again... I am really looking forward to trying this, this weekend.
skip the hot water and do it in the microwave....carefully i might add...overheating is not good...And buy a good pair of nitrile gloves...Works perfect.
Nope. Just dried and cleaned stomachs of young calved sliced up and brined to saturate the enzymes. Not exactly how they do it now in modern days but thats still pretty close to what we eat
Thanks for sharing the process and the recipe. We have made cheese using this recipe and method before. I bet your roasted red and cracked pepper is tasty
sorry I'm a little late.... no the warmer the curds the better knit, as we call it. the better they hold together. ideally around 100-108° but when starting out just leave em at room temp. as soon as they are pressed this cheese does need to be refrigerted
Keep in mind I'm new at this too. Only been making for a year or two, but basically yes. I will relate to brewing again since you have some previous experience there. You have ale and lager categories of yeast. This is your me so and thermo. Underneath that you have better yeast for different beers. Ie you wouldn't use the same yeast for a stout as you would an ipa. And you wouldn't make a Germany lager with a Vienna yeast. Let me know what cheeses you are planning to make and I'll lead you the best I can is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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