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So that brings into question......young earth/old earth? Carbon dating is severely flawed I'm in the young earth camp
I'm a young earth creationist. I don't strictly hold to the 5,000 years or so (I don't believe it's much older from my studies) derived from the genealogies in the bible, but I don't think a good case can be made for the earth being millions of years. What it all comes down to is we all have the same set of facts, but it is how those facts are interpreted that is in question.
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So that brings into question......young earth/old earth? Carbon dating is severely flawed I'm in the young earth camp

I'm a young earth creationist. I don't strictly hold to the 5,000 years or so (I don't believe it's much older from my studies) derived from the genealogies in the bible, but I don't think a good case can be made for the earth being millions of years. What it all comes down to is we all have the same set of facts, but it is how those facts are interpreted that is in question.
I’m not a young earth or creationist, more intelligent design. I know science is flawed and real scientists should agree, otherwise why have a method that allows questioning? I don’t really care about young earth or old earth, only that the human experience is beyond what is taught in academics. I’m not a biblical literalist, but the Bible does mention tribes, cultures, and people beyond the primary focus. My belief is there is always more to discover about our history, faith, and reality. I don’t believe that equates to a lack of faith, why do religious schools keep producing biblical scholars? I also don’t believe that means I don’t believe in science, see above.
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So, God created all in 6 days and rested. Light on day one.Jump to day 3 - flora and fauna for food. Likely not just created but created in full maturity, in preparation for man. Day 4 - lights in the sky and in all likelihood, no matter how many light years away God placed these lights, He ensured, for man's sake, that the light would be visible for man to enjoy from day 1 (ok, day 6). Day 5 He populated the waters and the sky with critters fully matured. Day 6 - He created land critters and culminated with man. All fully developed and mature. And so it goes.
Good discussion, good to see how people believe. I have been debating whether to reply or not. I am a born again Christian and believe in heaven and hell. The Bible says that one day is withe the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. So i dont know how time played into creation or eternity all I know is he built it and sent his son to die for our sins. Then Jesus went to prepare a place for us so where he is there we may be also. So as to what happens after death whether we sleep or are awake when he comes to take us home I just know that the saved will be with him. I am fairly young but have had several health scares. I had open heart surgery for valve replacement in my 20s and couple years ago I had a stroke from complications with the blood thinner. I was on my way to the hospital and saw my grandmother who had died several years ago and she told me supper was not ready yet. So I took that as her telling me it wasn't my turn. Death does not bother me. I don't want to rush it but I am ready to go.
Being 66 makes one ponder about turning the corner. I am pragmatic in most thing, this is no different. When I was 22 I was almost killed in a traffic accident. Saw myself on the operating table from outside my body, still having trouble believing that, but I saw it. Woke up with my mother and girlfriend staring at me like something awful had come to life. I've never doubted what I saw (the floating), my wife (who was the girlfriend) is devout and she always claimed I was saved by God. I don't know.
I still feel religion is not anything I believe in, I've sought answers in reading about Christianity, and Buddahism, nothing has been answered to my satisfaction. Even after recovery from my accident, I still do not credit anything other than good genetics and excellent doctors for restarting my body.
The way I see it, if you live a decent life. Treat others with respect and kindness. Help those you can, and try to be honest with everyone in all things, you have lived a good life. My wife fears if I do not embrace Jesus I will not be with her in Heaven. I don't know what lies ahead, but I don't find solace in religion. I'm too cynical I reckon.
On the topic of Heaven and Hell. As I've stated, what I experienced was a place of pure love beyond anything I could adequately describe. Let's call that Heaven. People in Moody's book had the same description of the place regardless of their religion or beliefs. I had been baptized a Catholic as a teen to satisfy my mother, but was unchurched and agnostic at the time of my crash.

So, let's talk Hell for a minute. In Moody's book, people who had taken their own lives, regardless of belief or baptism, and were resuscitated, universally described a VERY different experience. They were in a lightless place of absolute darkness with no depth or dimension and a total absence of love. Worse, they still had all their problems that resulted in their action but now were unable to do ANYTHING about them. They had a sense they would be there for a VERY long time. No fire. No burning. Just a total void of love, complete nothingness, and the overwhelming pain of their problems. Let's call that Hell.

Maybe that's what the Catholics call Purgatory. Either way, it's not a place I want to be.
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When I was about 5 or 6, I felt we were some sort of experiment... Manipulated by what appeared to be surgeons... Peering into a terrarium of sorts keeping things in order... They were dressed in typical hospital garb peering through the round mirror with the hole in the middle... Gloves and all...
It appeared to be in a "sterile" environment as to not disrupt the experiment... Keeping things in perfect order...

My father had had a heart attack, 1953 or 54, and was hospitalized for I can't remember how long... I know it was a long time... I know I was there daily... I don't remember any others at his bedside besides myself... I think I did know he would return home, which he did and lived for 10 more years...
When he had his second heart attack and passed away, I didn't cry... I knew I would miss him but felt God had given him all the time he could... His time had ran out...

I have seen the manipulators in their garb, tending the terrarium, many more times... Maybe it was to reassure me dad had a few more days... Maybe it was to let me know his time was up...

I don't believe our being here is by accident... I believe it is a planned existence... Too many things are perfect... Too many things mesh to make stuff work...

I have become pragmatic... Seems it started with my father's first heart attack... Strengthened over time until here I am... Life is what it is... I've had a great ride... If it ended tomorrow, I've got a few more things I want to get done but if I don't get to them, someone else will...
I have read stories or testimonies about those who have experienced the afterlife. I take them seriously. I take the Word more seriously. We have, in the Bible, 3 destinations. Heaven and Hell are for all eternity. Then there is Hades. Some translations explain what the difference is between Hades and Hades. Hell is permanent as is Heaven. Hades is supposedly temporary till judgement. Heaven is immediate if one is in Christ. We also see the names Sheol and Gehenna. Lots of commentaries/opinions regarding where one goes and when.

I live as if I may take my last breath at any second. I know many do not believe even though they have heard the name of Jesus all their lives used either in a reverent manner or one that is blasphemous. His name is in all manner of entertainment. Used when working and things go wrong. You know what I mean. I truly believe. If asked what if this is just a myth, my answer is that I have lost nothing and counter that there is no myth in my mind and heart and my faith. I am guided and am a better person for my belief.

Turn that question around to an otherwise model citizen, charitable and loving an kind yet an unbeliever and if the Bible and Jesus are factual and true (and they are) the unbeliever has lost everything for eternity in Hell and I have gained eternity in Heaven.

Following Jesus takes sacrifice and effort; call it taking up our cross. I have read stories that folks who have watched The Chosen ( a series you can find on YouTube) yet never believed have become Christians based on what they saw in the series. The sought out a church, a Bible based church, got baptized and became a member. They have rearranged their lives and claim the be happier than ever. I have watched it. Takes a little getting used to but it effectively gives the viewer the New Testament in a down to earth manner. The series is addictive. I found myself picking up the Bible more often and not just taking the Word th church on Sundays.

If I draw my last breath when I hit the post button, I will be with the Lord. Of that I am certain.
If the Spirit gives you faith, you will know it, if He does not, you cant. 1 Corinthians 2:14
From the NKJV: But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
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No offense to anyone, or their beliefs, but in my humble opinion, you can be as certain of your beliefs as you like, for yourself, but it is wrong and absolutely counter-productive to sit in judgement of anyone that does not share your belief, such as to assure them that they will rot in eternity, and you won't, unless they submit to and adopt your particular vision of spiritual wisdom.

Let your life, and the way you treat people that cannot fight back, or do you any good, speak for your beliefs.


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If there's one thing I've learned on my life's journey it's that any organization, institution, formal/informal group, etc has one thing in common: control. We can choose what we agree with and willingly join, submitting to that control. I did that when I agreed to join the Navy. Shoot, even SMF has controls that I follow willingly. Churches, employers, politics, social media, etc, it's all about control, and I choose the ones I follow or avoid. I've explored, joined, and left or changed my direction from many, MANY institutions over the decades. In every case, it was something they did I believed was wrong that made me choose a different path.

On topic, there are those who believe we're not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience, and that we've chosen where and when we want to be born. Maybe...maybe not, but there are examples of reincarnation that are quite compelling.

Is my perspective correct? It is to me. Take it. Leave it. Mull it. It doesn't matter. I've been an award-winning recruiter for several organizations, and I've learned four things from one of them about what motivates people. Folks want to live and be healthy; love and be loved; they want a little variety; and they want to feel important. If an organization offers those four factors in a balanced way, it will usually get my attention, engagement, money, etc.

Finally (or not), another story on the afterlife topic. My wife and my mother did not get along well for reasons not worth mentioning. I too didn't have the greatest relationship with my mom. When my wife and I were on the long drive home from mom's funeral, my wife fell asleep in the car about an hour after we left my dad.

After a while, my wife opened her eyes, turned to me and said, "I just had a long dream about your mother. She's in a peaceful, loving place, and wanted you to know she's fine." My wife never remembered her dreams. In fact, to that point in her life, she believed she didn't have dreams. She said that one was like watching it happen. Just a dream? Probably, but it was nothing I ever would have expected from my wife.

It has been enjoyable getting to know folks beliefs on the topic, whether from personal experience, organizational exposure, or intellectual contemplation. Maybe everyone's right. Maybe everyone's wrong, but one thing is certain; we'll all know at the end.

When two people cannot agree on the same point, one of of them is wrong or both of them are wrong, they cannot both be right. A true belief has to be justified as true or it is just conjecture.
I generally don't like getting into politics. No way I'm stepping into religion.
Gender identity next? 😱
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