1/4 to 1/2lb Burger patty press.

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We have that Weston burger press. Where its made is deep dark secret that even Microsoft's Co-Pilot AI can't answer.

Which tells me its most likely made elsewhere, cuz if it was made in the USA Weston would want that fact known.
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Trying to find anything made in the USA these days is difficult.

We need to make our complaints mean something by voicing our objections via the ballot boxes come election day. . . Unfortunately most people in the good old USA don't care anymore. Whatever is easiest seems to be the norm anymore.

Soap Box over and out,
Here's what I use, it beats all the others I've tried (and that is not a small number) but who knows what hellhole country it's from?


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Do you lack dexterity or are you making a comment about other countries?
I thought it was pretty obvious, but yes, I don't like to buy things made over sea if I can help it. (which is hard to accomplish these days).
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As for me, since we do live in a global marketplace these days, I would rather have a motivated person from a country other than mine building the gadgets I crave than some meth brained honey boo boo from dingus county amurica doing the skilled parts.
As for me, since we do live in a global marketplace these days, I would rather have a motivated person from a country other than mine building the gadgets I crave than some meth brained honey boo boo from dingus county amurica doing the skilled parts.

That's not how it works.

The innovation and product design starts here. Then the brainwork is taken to some other country and made simple enough that 50 cent per hour labor can put it together.

The labor is cheap enough to offset transportation costs back and forth.

And then it can be sold cheaper than if put together with USA labor. Its how Walmart keeps their " everyday low prices " .

I'm generally a free trader. From a pure economic stand point, I think its a good thing. But then there's this thing called geo-politics that really muddies the water. Its not below some countries around the world who want to use our capitalist free market system to do harm to us.

Its a tough call and gets too complicated for my pay grade.
I've got an old 1890's lathe out in my shop, and a benchtop mill. Hmmm... Is it overkill if the burger press uses hydraulics? haha... But seriously, I may try making one. Sounds like a fun project for some rainy day..
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The belief that things being made 'here' is somehow automatically better than being made 'there' is an incredibly caustic and manipulative. Underhanded companies will leverage legal loopholes (or outright break laws) to maximize their profit, but that also happens across state lines, county lines, even property lines; the issue isn't geography, it's the act of *exploitation*, itself, and it definitely happens 'here' as well as 'there.'

Some of the exploitation is hiding behind waving a flag and explaining it away with casual racism. Finding out if your kitchen gadget involved slave labor - which is actually still legal in this country under the 14th Amendment - is, oftentimes, impossible, but the point is to distrust the actions of particular governments and/or suppliers, not the 'little people' themselves. Do what you can, where you can, without falling for lazy propaganda & distractions. It's no different than actually talking to your butcher versus just buying the meat with the prettiest packaging.

<end soapbox>

SmeltshackBBQ SmeltshackBBQ over here is about to reinvent the factory line. Or maybe just the thinnest smash burgers known to man!
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All I want is a burger press made in the USA, do you know of one?
If not, leave the thread alone, please.:emoji_thumbsup:
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Interesting, I wonder what diameter burger it produces?
I hate a small diameter burger, the mountain of toppings I like slides off.
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