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  1. blowfishbbq


    Depending on the size of your smoker and how often it is used; I could understand using a cleaner on the racks before the first cook of the season. But you are getting rid of your seasoning if you apply abrasive cleaners after each cook. Certainly you want to get rid of excess creosote and...
  2. blowfishbbq

    Lang Owners

    Definitely sounds like green wood. I've ran into this a few times. My plan this year is to keep at least 2 cords on hand to ensure that it is properly seasoned all year long.
  3. blowfishbbq


    I definitely belive in cleaning my smoker atleast before or after each cook. Unless I am cooking for days straight. After brushing the grates I remove them and scrape out anything that may be left behind. The steam clean with plain water from the hose. I also sweep out the rd baffle plate. Keep...
  4. blowfishbbq

    Lang Owners

    I love the fiskars lifetime warranty. I would say this axe out performs any when wood is properly seasoned. I don't recommend trying to split green wood. Especially the harder varieties like cherry and oak. Also check out you tube there are some pretty sweet videos of guys splitting a whole cord...
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  7. blowfishbbq

    Lang Owners

    One of the best axes I have found is the fiskars brand splitters. As long as wood is dry this axe is smooth as butter.
  8. blowfishbbq

    How did you come up with your screen name?

    I got my name because my nickname is Hootie. When I introduce myself most people's response is where are the blowfish. After 15 years of this now I have a better answer of where are the blowfish.
  9. blowfishbbq

    Lang 84

    Don't by a used 84 for $6000, Unless it is new and direct from Lang with shipping included. As far as overkill, yes absolutely.But if you like toys like I do go for it. I would start with a mid sized smoker to start. A unit that doesnt consume alot of fuel but can still accommodate cooking for...
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  13. blowfishbbq

    Sweet Baby Ray's

    The original is a nice sauce to doctor up.
  14. blowfishbbq

    What's your occupation?

    I sell beer! I manage a beer bar that carries over 1200 different craft beers. Not to mention awesome hot dogs and lots of other great bar food.
  15. blowfishbbq

    smoker temp

    I dont know what the weather is like near you but during the winter month's especially you are going to have to keep adding charcoal and or wood until you reach desired temp then figure out how often you need to refuel and stoke you're fire. Also if this is an offset firebox make sure the fire...
  16. blowfishbbq

    Lang Owners

    Welcome to the lang family!