Tomahawk and Duck Fat Fried Shrooms/Carrots

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Aug 3, 2015
Alexandria, VA
Sorry, it’s not a Taco Pizza…..

Nobody here, including me, is happy about paying premium for a bone, but we are all about deals. My butcher asked if I’d cooked a tomahawk before and when I laughed saying no, he offered me a great deal. I couldn’t pass it up and for around 20 dollars had an almost 3# tomahawk, beautifully marbled. My 3 year old son was with me and talkative, I think that’s why, I’m not that charming.

Saturday night, it’s very warm here right now, seasoned with cracked black pepper, salt, and gran garlic, left in the fridge uncovered and on a rack overnight. At 1500 today I pulled out of the fridge and onto the pellet smoker For some AMAZN smoke for an hour.

Then hit the button to turn on and dialed heat up to 200. While that was going I prepped some Black Pearl Trumpet Mushrooms I’d picked up at farmers market with GF “flour”(my wife) salt and pepper. I had decided to fry them in duck fat….. so as long as the Duck fat was going, I also thinly sliced some potatoes and halved some carrots I’d also picked up at the market to throw in too!


Then slice up some fat tomatoes and red onion tossed with basil, red wine vinegar, salt and EVOO for a simple salad;

My Zen buddy tracked smoke until IT was at 110.


I already had Kettle with Vortex ready at this point, so quick transfer over to sear, smell was incredible!

this is where I failed to make a perfect steak. I should’ve smoked to 120-125 IT then sear to 128-130. I had to keep it on to long to hit what my wife likes and screwed up uniform doneness of the cut. But……. My kids were happy!


while meat was resting, duck fat was going hot and I fried the shrooms, carrots, and potatoes in that delicious gold. Garnished with fresh Parm and thyme…too much parm though!

Sliced up the meat…carful not to catch the reaching fingers;

Like I said, extended sear screwed up uniform doneness, but for a family meal it’ll pass. They were happy, no meat left for breakfast🤔 Delicious cut of meat also allowed some leeway for my mistake!

Plated together…..butter/red wine reduced onions to top….and a few glasses of wine helped numb the hurt pride on my meat cooking mistake, but fun meal that we enjoyed!

I understand not paying premium for the bone, but if you find a deal, it’s worth it to get one. Good meat, the kids got a kick out of the bone!
Shoot, I got a kick out of that cool bone! Thanks for your time!


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That steak looks perfect and those mushrooms and the duck fat...well let me say we love those around here...

Like you said, I don't like paying premium price for a bone, but I'm all about a deal...:emoji_wink:
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That tomahawk looks delicious! I see nothing wrong with it and I would certainly like a plate of that. From the salad to the sides, that’s me all day.
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My wife screws up "perfect doneness" all the time. There can't be any "blood" in the meat or leaking onto the plate. Her meat usually gets a 10min head start. I'd love to try cooking one of those tomahawk sometime. Yours looks great!
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That steak looks perfect and those mushrooms and the duck fat...well let me say we love those around here...
Like you said, I don't like paying premium price for a bone, but I'm all about a deal...:emoji_wink:
Thank you Charles! The steak was tasty, I wasn't happy with the look, but the taste and texture was awesome. I love those shrooms, we have a cool farmers market with a mushroom stand that always has some interesting ones that are fun to try. The Duck Fat added another layer of goodness to them!

Wow! Steak look Awesome! I need to try those mushrooms.
Thank you Brian! Definitely go for the shrooms! From what they told me, and what I read, the Black Pearl Trumpets are a cross breed of a King Trumpet and a Blue Oyster mushroom. I decided to fry them for no particular reason, the light coating gave some nice crispiness! They'd be excellent on your pizza without the frying step though!

Great looking meal! Heck I'd gnaw on the bone!
Haha! The bone is in my freezer for later, I'd be happy to share!
  • Haha
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OH YES! I would have jumped on that deal as well. the steak and meal look fantastic! Great work!
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Honestly, there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with that dinner. Absolutely gorgeous, I'd be all over it!
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I wouldn't cook it any more well done. Looks just a tad overdone as it is and I ain't a big red guy. Maybe get a heating rock like u see in high end restaurants so people liking meat more well done can cook their individual slices :<).

Thanks for sharing looks yummy and yes butchers are like wait staff being super nice can yield benefits :<)
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Wow Jed, what can I say that hasn't already been said? That meal, all of it, is nothing short of breathtaking. A truly spectacular effort well worth the time and energy but a happy family is priceless. Excellent job sir.

and a few glasses of wine helped numb the hurt pride on my meat cooking mistake

Ok,my take on it. If you know what the "mistake" was and learned what not to do next time, it was not a mistake. It was a learning experience and we will never stop learning. To take that a step further, if you show me a forum member who has never had a cooking "mistake", I'll show you a forum member who has never cooked anything.

Sorry, it’s not a Taco Pizza…..

I sure hope you don't think I'm busting your chops about this subject because that is not my intention in any way. You just seem to take what you see here and recreate it more often than most people do. That says a LOT about the content of the forum recently and your ability to recreate that content to amazing levels. I have tremendous respect for your contributions to the forum and for you. It is just so cool to see you take something, put your own twist on it, and make something truly over-the-top. It is all intended in good fun but also intended to be complimentary.

  • Haha
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I'm with the majority . I see nothing but good eats .
Love the kid peaking over the top . Lol . Great photo .
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  • Haha
Reactions: bauchjw
Wow Jed, what can I say that hasn't already been said? That meal, all of it, is nothing short of breathtaking. A truly spectacular effort well worth the time and energy but a happy family is priceless. Excellent job sir.

Ok ,my take on it. If you know what the "mistake" was and learned what not to do next time, it was not a mistake. It was a learning experience and we will never stop learning. To take that a step further, if you show me a forum member who has never had a cooking "mistake", I'll show you a forum member who has never cooked anything.

I sure hope you don't think I'm busting your chops about this subject because that is not my intention in any way. You just seem to take what you see here and recreate it more often than most people do. That says a LOT about the content of the forum recently and your ability to recreate that content to amazing levels. I have tremendous respect for your contributions to the forum and for you. It is just so cool to see you take something, put your own twist on it, and make something truly over-the-top. It is all intended in good fun but also intended to be complimentary.

Thank you Robert, I really appreciate it! I agree mistakes are the best ways to learn . . . my frustration with this one is that I have already made this mistake before:emoji_laughing: I will never stop learning, primarily because I will never stop making mistakes! However, you and the other great people here have helped me learn a lot without the pain! I was a little frustrated with myself, but it didn't ruin the meal and I just wanted to share as a vent, but also to hopefully help somebody else!

Hahaha! I have a massive amount of respect for you and I took the taco pizza subject as a huge compliment, a lot of fun, and positive encouragement, not a negative thing in any way! I definitely didn't intend you to take my opening comment as anything other than a friendly acknowledgement of our tribal comradery! I love the inspiration that comes from here, creativity, friendly people, and amazing food. I'm just happy to provide any contribution! Please don't worry about my feelings or sensibilities here, I don't log into SMF with my defensive shields up and have never read anything directed towards me as anything but positive or friendly ribbing (Pun intended)!
My wife screws up "perfect doneness" all the time. There can't be any "blood" in the meat or leaking onto the plate. Her meat usually gets a 10min head start. I'd love to try cooking one of those tomahawk sometime. Yours looks great!
I appreciate it Rob! Yes, there is occasional conflict over the meats IT, I try to get two separate, or if there is only one Hunk pull off a bit more rare, then fire up a CI to sear her slices a bit more. This one I decided to go her preference!

Awesome supper!
Thank you! I appreciate it!

OH YES! I would have jumped on that deal as well. the steak and meal look fantastic! Great work!
Thank you Sandy! Great deal!

Honestly, there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with that dinner. Absolutely gorgeous, I'd be all over it!
I appreciate it Matt! At one point I would not have had any problem with how this one went, it tasted great and that is the key! However, I've started to become more self-critical as I learn more here and other places. I've been trying to get a more standard coloring to the meat on cuts like this. So instead of a decent pink 128 IT in the center, but a more medium to medium well as the slice moves to the edges, I shoot for a good standard 128 for much of the slice and only a millimeter or so on the edge. Just a new thing to strive for! Your welcome over at anytime, with beer, to lend a hand!
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I don't mind paying for the bone if there is no other way to get the cut. It just wouldn't be the same without the bone.

For a family meal, can't always get the temp correct. I did the same to a pair of TRI tips last night grilling in the dark.
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Now that’s a meal. Nicely done!
Thank you Mile High!

Top notch supper Jed. Love the pic of your daughter staring down that tomahawk lol
Thank you Jake! She was having a lot of fun with it, I think she was more excited than I was!

I wouldn't cook it any more well done. Looks just a tad overdone as it is and I ain't a big red guy. Maybe get a heating rock like u see in high end restaurants so people liking meat more well done can cook their individual slices :<).
Thanks for sharing looks yummy and yes butchers are like wait staff being super nice can yield benefits :<)
Thank you! Yes, a bit over, but the flavor was still there. My mistake was bringing it over to sear too early to bring it up to temp. That made the outer slice a bit over ideal and I lost a bit of the uniformity. Center half was perfect, outer was a little too high. haha, heating stone would be cool, I normally use a CI for my wife's slices!

Looks great from where I'm sitting, I'd be all over that plate in a heartbeat! RAY
Thank you Ray! You're welcome anytime! is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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