"Sweet" Italian

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Smoking Guru
Original poster
★ Lifetime Premier ★
Aug 13, 2015
Indianapolis, Indiana
It's been a little slow around the site today so I thought I'd post a recent sausage stuff.
I started with Rytek's recipe and another I found on the net and came up with my own:
5# butt
1 cup chopped fresh Parsley
2 tsp salt substitute ("NoSalt" brand)
5 garlic cloves-minced
1 tbsp course black pepper
4 tbsp Fennel seed
4 tbsp Paprika
2 tsp Anise seed
1/2 tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tbsp Onion Powder
2 tsp Basil
1 cup red cooking wine
1 tsp #1 cure

Started with an 11# boneless butt from GFS. Thought I'd get 2- 5# batches but no. After trimming the nasty fat I got 5# and 4#.
butt.jpg cut up.jpg scale.jpg

Ground it through a 1/4" plate and again through a 3/16 plate. I like to have it not quite frozen before grinding each time.
first grind.jpg second grind.jpg

Mixed and put in the fridge to co-exist for the night.

Next day: stuffing time! Using 34-35mm pre-tubed from Syracuse Casing. I rinse them the day before and soak in the fridge overnight and rinse again the next morning to soak for an hour or so and rinse again.

I let it "air dry" for a couple of hours before putting it in the fridge for the night. hung.jpg fridge.jpg

Next day was packaging time. 18 links plus a midget gave me 6 packages of 3 plus the midget.
I cooked the midget and got the boss's taste test "Seal of Approval" :-)
bagged.jpg cut.jpg

Not sure why it's considered "sweet" with so little sugar but whatever. The Basil really comes through.
Sorry, no plate pics.
Thanks for looking, and stuff on!

Looks good Dan . When talking Italian sausage , if it has fennel and no hot pepper it's considered sweet . Nice work there .
Thanks, chop! I think next time I do Italian I'm going to give the Fennel a split second in the coffee grinder instead of using whole seed....
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So good looking sausage.
You got the "Seal of Approval" which counts more than the bro crow
Yup . I grind half and use half whole . Also toast it in a dry pan really wakes it up .
Do you toast all of the whole seed and grind half?
I just toast all and crush them in baggie with a hammer. Not fond of whole seed.
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Looks good. Don’t think I’ve ever seen cured Italian sausage.

It's not actually "cured"per se. I use #1 cure in it because I like to hang dry in open air for an hour or two before going in the fridge to finish drying and I just feel it's safer.
It adds a touch of color and I can thaw and smoke if I want.
Thank you!
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