Something a little different

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Meat Mopper
Original poster
Jan 13, 2013
Central WI
i know most of us on this forum have more hobbies other than making great smoked foods. I personally have a couple others as well. One such, is fairly new to me. Making hard cider.

Earlier this fall, a buddy of mine asked me my thoughts and experience making hard cider. My response? I like most hard ciders. Let’s make some.

Thus began the newest journey. Starting with some fresh pressed, non pasteurized, no preservatives added cider, we purchased a six gallon carboy, a couple packets of yeast, and the few other miscellaneous things to get the first batch fermenting.

After pitching the yeast, it was placed under a the shelf at my buddies place where it was shaded and a consistent 68-69 degrees and left to do its job.

Pic of the cider before fermenting


Pic of 20 gallons of cider split between four car boys fermenting away.


You can see some color variation due to using a couple different types of yeast.

Closeup of the cider fermenting and frothing a little.


After the fermentation process was finished, we set the carboy outside, as at that time our weather was a balmy 40 for highs and around 32 for lows, but next to the house kept it from freezing. The key was cool it to stop the fermenting.

A carboy settled out and ready for the next step.


We transfered the fermented cider to a clean vessel via siphon, leaving the sedement in the carboy to be discarded. After transferring, we used a little of the cider to simmer with some cinnamon sticks to be added back in for flavor, and added some apple juice concentrate and dissolved brown sugar to sweeten to taste.

The cider simmering with cinnamon sticks.


After adding the sweetener and cinnamon, we bottled into gallon jugs.

The batch freshly bottled. The dark bottles were some I got from a previous event. Corks were replaced with caps a day later once we got to the brewer supply store.


The finished product. And the glass logo is from my college fraternity, sorry.


Now all that was left was labels and a name. My buddies place we affectionately call the Hula Hut (long story). So we came up with two labels with different names. Sandbar smash and this one.


This stuff turned out pretty awesome for a couple guys that didn’t know what we were doing a short time before.

Unfortunately, a couple weeks ago, a tragic house fire at my buddies (everyone is safe) claimed all of our supplies, ten plus gallons of our last batch of hooch, as well as all of his belongings. He will rise out of this, so all will be ok, but we need to start all over purchasing all of our supplies. And my stash is dwindling so it may need to start soon.
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Thanks for posting this, it's very interesting. I am sorry you friend had the fire but glad he is OK. Looking forward to more posts when you get set back up.
Not sure if it matters, but this post should have gone into the beers and ale section. If admin wants to move it feel free.

Exactly which yeast we used I can't recall without digging back into a little bit. Maybe a Lalvin 1118? I do know one batch was a champagne yeast, but the last couple bottles we used a true hard cider yeast. Not a huge difference between the champagne and cider yeasts in initial taste directly out of the carboy, but I can say the finished product of the cider was significantly better and needed way less sweetening to get to the final. I don't recall the brand of that one, but Ciderhouse comes to mind.

Sorry I cant be more specific, but unfortunately all of our written notes went up in smoke as they were at Hula's place.

I just know its damn tasty!

Love the glass I'm pin 420 and cooked the hogs for that Friday night you will have to bring some hard cider to the next gathering of alpha psi. Hope you guys can get back to brewing soon
Love the glass I'm pin 420 and cooked the hogs for that Friday night you will have to bring some hard cider to the next gathering of alpha psi. Hope you guys can get back to brewing soon


Pin 533, and we had a couple drinks at lab farm 3 (Mel’s) later that evening. Will always consider your dad the true advisor!

And yes! We should have a gathering like that regularly. Just someone else other than me can plan it. That was a lot of work.

Hhhmmm. I sense we need to have a hog roast again soon! Maybe even an Alpha Psi cook off???

You did a great job putting all of that together and I think a cook off Would be great. Makes you wonder how many AGR are on this sight.

Have a great day
...adding the sweetener and cinnamon, we bottled into gallon jugs.

You added sweetener? Did you use Potassium Sorbate to make the yeast go dormant before you added it? If not, the yeast will ferment that out too. That's the cause of many exploding bottles.

Also, did you use Campden tablets, yeast energizer/yeast nutrients, or degas it along the way?

I've been brewing beer, cider and mead since 1994.

Here's a pic of my batch:


These became Christmas presents, along with some pulled pork (smoked a couple of days before Christmas).

I got this just over 9% ABV. Notice the clarity?

If you want to discuss brewing off line contact me at [email protected].


I know at least one batch got campden tablets, but I don’t believe that the rest did.

I will admit, neither my buddy nor I really know much about this whole process other than the basics. As far as sweetening, we pretty much refrigerated it after that, and it never lasted long enough after that to have problems. Admittedly we have a lot to learn, but we’re having lots of fun and enjoying drinking it.

The clarity and ABV you got is where we hope to be soon as we rebuild our equipment supply. I will definitely pm you as we find time to get restarted.

Thanks, and great looking product!


I know at least one batch got campden tablets, but I don’t believe that the rest did.

I will admit, neither my buddy nor I really know much about this whole process other than the basics. As far as sweetening, we pretty much refrigerated it after that, and it never lasted long enough after that to have problems. Admittedly we have a lot to learn, but we’re having lots of fun and enjoying drinking it.

The clarity and ABV you got is where we hope to be soon as we rebuild our equipment supply. I will definitely pm you as we find time to get restarted.

Thanks, and great looking product!



OK. Just email me...I have tons of brewing info, ask me anything...I probably have an answer.
We're in the same time zone and I'm usually up to 1 AM... is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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