So tired of sexism.

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You don't even need to be good (though its a very appreciated bonus), all I request is that you are cool to hang with, enjoy a few drinks and shoot the shit. Gender doesn't factor into my requirements.
PB, Glad to have you on the site. A lot of males just have fragile egos. If it wasn't for my wife, I would only be half the person I am today. I do the smoking, but my wife helps my do all the prep work. Which is many times more work than the smoking. She is better at grilling than I am, but I sill try
I have learned from your posts and the questions you have asked.
This is a great Web site with many fantastic people.
Hey PoukieBear, I'm with Rathog on this one. We all carry some biases with us, even tiny ones, but I think most people can shove them aside and simply deal with others as just another potential friend. After reading posts on this forum for better than a year now, I'm kind of blind to the avatars and simply read the posts and try to gain some knowledge from each of them. We all have something to share regardless of our sex, race, nationality, experience or shoe size. The student has become the teacher and the teacher, the student.

Glad you can share here. Dang the torpedoes, full smoke ahead!
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"Royal Pain is a girl?"
Not inferring you are a royal pain, completely the opposite. That is simply a memorable line from the movie "Sky High" when The Commander (a butthead) is confronted with his sexism.

Poukiebear@... was my daughter's original email address.
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My daughter is a doctor and, even in this day and age when there are FAR more women graduating from medical school than men (2/3 of her class), she still hears during rounds in the hospital, almost every day:

"Nurse, can you get a doctor for me?"

She was offended at first, but then realized that its one of those things we ALL have to deal with, some more than others, but everyone has their stories to tell.

This isn't something unique to one country or to this particular time we live in. Quite frankly, in my 6+ decades, I think we have far, far less then we ever had before but, paradoxically, people seem to focus on these offenses far more than they used to.

So, look for places like this wonderful forum where people are friendly and, almost without exception, don't seem to put people in "boxes."

Welcome to SMF.
Personally I don't see gender or age when I'm on the forum. I see someone either asking for assistance or posting something their proud of. Besides a select few lucky members. Who really knows who the person is behind the avatar.

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Welcome to SMF!
We are very happy to have you join the group.
When I first joined on here the first recipe I got was from a female on here, it was for coleslaw, & I still make it exactly the same way that she taught me. Along with the coleslaw recipe, she walked me through my first rack of ribs, which came out great. So there are plenty of great women BBQ'ers on here & it sounds like you are going to be in that group as well. You will find that we all appreciate a good looking plate of Q, no matter who made it!
Throw that crap right back at'em, laugh in their faces and tell them the way it is!
"I'm the Pit Master in the house and I'll tell'ya what I'm thinking, have or am cooking".
"I know I can out smoke you, ya chipmunk d!cked loser, and that's for sure!"

I don't care who or what you are, as long as you can throw down some good food, or are trying to learn... You're good to go in my book.
Second this this plan! No place for sexism in this world.

SMF is the best group of people I have found. all about support and helping each other regardless.
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PoukieBear sorry to say this part of SMF has not taken off as good as it should have.
You have very good tallent from what I have & I hope to be back in full swing Queing & Smoking soon

Yeah, It doesn't help that the none of the people who made those "13 comments" on that "BBQ Women" forum has been seen on this forum since 2017, including the Group Leader.
It appears as though some new blood is needed there.

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Glad you are with us here on SMF. No question there are a bunch of bigoted people out there and these days it seems even harder to avoid them. You found the right place!

Hi PB so what's your smoker? Or have you already described that in another thread?

That's really sweet that you have a close connection to a butcher. Nothing like that here for me. Do you have a grinder, have you done anything like sausage? You might be able to get scraps from him cheap and have some fun.

Hi! I have a 22.5” WSM that I bought this year, and I’m in love with it!

I don’t have a grinder anymore.... my husband did buy me one for Christmas last year, as an attachment for my Kitchen Aid stand mixer. I returned it, thinking I’d never have a use for it. I’m a little lazy, and making my own sausages kind of sounds like a nightmare of effort. Lol.
Hi! I have a 22.5” WSM that I bought this year, and I’m in love with it!

I don’t have a grinder anymore.... my husband did buy me one for Christmas last year, as an attachment for my Kitchen Aid stand mixer. I returned it, thinking I’d never have a use for it. I’m a little lazy, and making my own sausages kind of sounds like a nightmare of effort. Lol.

I made my own sausage a couple times but my butcher makes the best sausages and they are fairly affordable right there with ya!

BUT - grinding your own burger is a game changer! I can hardly stomach buying ground beef now. I grind it medium course and choose the cut and fat content. the taste is SO much better. So you may reconsider a grinder for that purpose.
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Is it blocked or not filled in Dave? I see he's listed as male and his post count, like count and join up date.

2019-07-06 (1).png
It shows up for me. I'm on my chromebook so I can't take a screen shot.

It shows up for me. I'm on my chromebook so I can't take a screen shot.


Evidently one can selectively exclude or include members from viewing their profile..
IMO, if you belong to this forum, your profile should be available to be viewed.. If you have something to hide, go somewhere else... is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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