Overdone, but still goooooood!!!

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Sure looks good! It's usually when I screw up like that I fess up to it, then declare it's too bad to share... never works tho! Nice job!

There’s nothing wrong with that steak Chris, it looks good from here! Heck, I’d still tip ya %20.
That looks like a great plate to me! I’d happily take one

Thank you very much Adom for the compliment.

Over Done! For my taste...they look perfect.

Appreciate the kindly words PPG and for the like. I grew up eating well done steaks, well everything was well done when I was growing up. I've since done a 180* and really like my meat on the rarer side.

Could have been worse Chris...

JK that steak looks amazing man! Glad to see the beer pole back in action after the last weekend off.
You did not miss by much. That some good looking chow. I love corn on the cob. Your yard looks amazing!

Thanks Brian, I was only off by about 5* or so, but that was the difference between med-rare and rare. I should have taken them off before going for that last sip.

Those look terrible. Send them to me to get them off your hands lol.

Appreciate the like and compliment DT. I still have a small piece that I didn't eat if you want it. LOL

  • Haha
Reactions: Displaced Texan
Looks great Chris. I used to be hung up on "perfect doneness" with steaks. Honestly they all taste wonderful lol. Yours is close to perfection for me

Appreciate that Jake. My wife like her's really rare - almost to the point where you can still see the nerves twitching. I still get PO'd at myself when I miss my target temp. Someday I'll get over it.

Man, I’d tear that up Chris. 5* one way or another won’t bother my tape worm. Nice solid meal. Me likey

Thanks SE you should see me when I wash my truck and find out I missed a spot. Appreciate the like also.

That looks mighty good to me nice job

Thanks Piney, The end of our grilling season is coming upon us(quickly I might add) and we've been jonesing for a good steak.

YEAP! They look great to me!
Nice combo on the sides.
You do have a big back yard!

Appreciate it Justin and for the like. Nothing beats fresh sweet corn and tater/egg salad is a favorite of mine since I was a little tyke. It's a pretty good sized backyard especially when it comes to mowing and weed whacking the fence. We're still waiting for the grass to grow in area where we had our pool, but the dang birds keep eating all the seed.

Chris those look medium rare to medium to medium to me. I’ll bet they were very good. I’d sure devour them.

Don't get me wrong Jeff they were very very good, just not perfect. Now the wife is demanding I do it again on my next day off. I think she's playing me. Appreciate the like also.

Chris , great looking steaks, I like mine done not any pink..... I know but that is how I like them.... lol

So throw them on a little longer for me

Thanks ps : glad the beer pole is not just a shadow of it self


Thanks Dave for the compliment and like. I grew up on well done steaks smothered in A1 sauce or dipped in ketchup. Now I like them with just a touch of SnP and rare. The beer pole got plenty of use yesterday. It's fat and happy again.

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Chris , nice cook bud . That plate is a perfect combo . I'd be all over all of it .

Nice point on the " flip when it released " comment . To many don't understand the difference between stuck and not ready .

Couldn't agree more Rich, the meat will tell you when it's ready to be flipped or turned. Appreciate the like and kindly words also.

Steaks look terrible, beer post looks phenomenal. Ha ha. . . just kidding. I would be all over that steak.

The beer pole does look better fully dressed. Thanks for the compliment WR.

looks really good. Question for you as I am thinking of getting a Weber Kettle- why put up the divider rather than just put the charcoal in the middle? You don't need an indirect zone I assume. Just curious. Maybe to concentrate the heat better?

Thank you MS. You won't regret getting a kettle. I always recommend the 26" over the 22". Mostly because it has a ton more real estate to cook on. The reason I use the Slow-n-Sear or Vortex for cooking steaks is to get the heat closer to the bottom of the grate. I also don't use as much charcoal when I use either of the two. Since the charcoal is confined inside the unit instead of spread out.

Overdone? Not done enough partner! Looks great regardless!

Appreciate the like and compliment CPAC, Don't get me wrong it was really good, just a tad overdone for our likes.

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Chris, are you serious?! I would have it at any time... Nice looking steak and a beautiful plate!

Appreciate that and for the like Push,

Almost all you mean, my roommate likes her Filet Mignon cooked to ultra super well done. A fatty cut like a RIb Eye or Porterhouse can be edible in a crysis when cooked to 170. Filet at 170's terribad.

Bighead those are hamburger temps. I grew up eating most meats well done. A sign of the times I guess. That's one aspect of my childhood I hope to never revisit. Except for an occasional ham steak that I like to over cook.

Really nice, Chris. Can I have the bones to gnaw on? Seriously though, I haven't had a T-bone, or porterhouse, in quite awhile. Thank you for the hunger pangs...:emoji_wink:
Looks great to me.
I like my steak anywhere from medium to done.
Wife wants no pink so I usually get prime strip loin to keep it from drying out. (We don't eat steak very often.)

I just pile my lump in a corner for grilling. The SnS appears to push the fuel higher to grate level.

You have more grass than me this year. I haven't mowed since June.

Appreciate the kindly words and like FA. Sounds like we're at opposite side of the spectrum. My wife likes the nerves to still be twitching and I like it rare. Your correct both the SnS or the Vortex get the coals up closer to the grate. Makes searing a whole lot easier. Our lawn is doing well with all the rain we've been getting lately. We're still waiting for one big spot to fill in where we took down our pool.

Great looking plate of chow there Chris, steak looks fine from here.

Thank you Jim, and for the like. The only thing that would have made it better is if we had made the tater salad instead of buying it from the store.

Sure looks good! It's usually when I screw up like that I fess up to it, then declare it's too bad to share... never works tho! Nice job!


Thanks Ryan, Yeah come to think of it. My wife didn't balk at eating her plate - ummm.

Looks like a great meal from where I'm at!

Appreciate it Denny and for the like. That's what I like about this hobby. Your mistakes can still taste great.

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