Looking for information on making bacon. Start to finish.

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Smoke Blower
Original poster
Jun 3, 2007
New Bedford, MA
I found a store nearby that sells pork belly and now I have to do this. I was looking for a sticky thread but have not found one. Any info would be great.

Check out the Smoking Bacon Forum. Tons of stuff there.
Making bacon at home is really very easy, do some research, keep things simple,don't overcomplicate things.....try this maybe ?

Richard Thead's Bacon Making Procedure
It is my experience that bacon is the easiest product to produce at home and the results are as good as, or better than, the best commercially produced bacon.

I use Morton Tender Quick and brown sugar. Rub down a slab of fresh bacon (pork belly) with a liberal quantity of the Tender Quick. You can't really use too much but a cup or so should do. Then follow with a thorough rub of brown sugar (again, start with a cup or so). Then place the meat in heavy plastic and allow to cure for 7 days at 38F.
I use a small refrigerator for this. I run a remote temperature probe inside and monitor the temperature, tweaking the thermostat when necessary. The temperature is important; too low (below 36F) and the curing action will cease, too high (above 40F) and the meat will begin to spoil. I also cut the pork belly in two and cure it with the meat surfaces face to face and the skin on the outside. It helps it fit in the fridge and improves the curing action.
I then smoke it at 140-150F until the internal temperature of the pork reaches 128F (about 8 to 10 hours). I find it best to remove the skin about 3/4 of the way through the smoking process. This way the fat is protected but still acquires some color.

Chill overnight before using.

If you are using Prague Powder #1, mix 2 oz with 1 lb of salt and use like the Tender Quick.

Other sugars can be used instead of brown sugar. Try honey or even
some maple syrup.
plicate it
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