Is it wrong to bring Blackberry deer hunting?

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
Feb 5, 2009
Lockport IL
Just wondering. Sitting in the middle of the woods reading smf on my blackberry.

Due to the low deer population in this part of KY. I was pretty bored until I found out my BB worked at my stand.

Well got to get back at it.
My first thought when I saw this thread was ABSOLUTELY, ENTIRELY, WRONG....
Then you explained that the only reason you were doing such a dreadful thing was to keep up on SMF... I'll defer to a moderator... ;o)

When I hunt, I hunt and not much else distracts me. To each his own, if you're in the woods having a good time, do what ever rolls your can.
I as well love the fact that I can enjoy the sport, but after 5 days of hard hunting my mind needed a break.

Got to go finish up the next couple of hours
Black Bears Eat Blackberrys...
From Illinois!!!
Lots of deer in Illinois!!!
Went hunting deer in Kentucky!!!
Playing with Blackberry in woods of Kentucky while hunting deer!!!
No, that's not wrong!!!!
That's "MENTALLY IRREGULAR"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:PD T_Armataz_01_05:
:PDT_Armataz_01 _03:
I think what ever can keep you in a stand longer ,have at it. I will bring an old small an / fm pocket radio with one ear bud and listen to public radio and after a few hours of that I'm ready to kill anything.I like my eyes not to be occupied but the radio keeps me out there a very long time and entertained.Then I come back to the motor home and talk like Garrison what's his face until I'm asked to stop or leave.
You can take all the cell phones you want to our deer camp. There ain't a tower around for miles and no one's ever got a signal out there. You could maybe play games on it though.
What is it about hunting that fascinates us anyway? There you are sitting there cold and miserable. After sitting for 6 hours or more freezing your butt off waiting hour after excruciatingly slow hour for that monster buck to show up. Finally nature throws you a bone as a twig snaps. You hear at first then see a small immature doe enter the opening in front of your blind, followed closely by another, then another. After your long wait in the bitter cold at last something to shake out the cobwebs and get the old pumper going again. You flex your fingers trying to get circulation flowing in icy cold fingers once again. You pick up your bow, as a small spike buck walks out of the forest edge, it looks nervously over its shoulder and picks up the pace. Then a really nice 6 point appears. Should you draw yet or wait for a bigger buck? The 6 point also looks behind him to the woods. You hold off on the draw, Something must be behind him, maybe that giant buck you're camera caught last fall. The buck that dreams are made of. How many times did you run and re run that film back and fourth dreaming of making the miracle shot and claiming that awesome rack for your wall. The dream of phoning up all your buddies with the exciting details of the hunt played and re played across your mind. It finally gets the old heart racing and puts a bit of feeling back in your frozen fingers.
There! Over there, is that the flash of antlers gleaming through the trees? My God it is, really Huge antlers. The kind you only hear about and see in Big Buck magazine. And magically There He is, the Monarch of the Mountain, standing proudly, His huge antlers glistening in the sun as you try to count the number of tines, 9, 10, 11, 12 , 13, 14 at least. A 14 pointer, maybe a world record, certainly the state record. With a will of its own your bow seems to rise up to eye level. With trembling hands you slowly draw back the bowstring, thanking the gods that you were smart enough to buy that new killer buckslayer instead of your old antiquated recurve bow of the past. Shaking just a little you line up on the biggest buck you have ever seen. With great effort you bring your excitement in check and the trembling stops as the sights rest on the critical area of the animals chest. Sights line up perfectly on the Heart as that magnificant animal pauses for the perfect shot.

And then your damm Blackberry rings.

Oh sure its ok to bring your blackberry hunting .....

:icon_sm ile:
<----<<< Your buddies upon hearing the story....

<-----<<< Me upon hearing your sad story....

0 <----<<< Amount of sympathy garnered from others upon hearing sad story.
You could always just read the political jokes (aka sour grapes) that get posted on this forum. That should get something moving.
For the first time ever I took my cell with me into the hills chasing elk this year. Turned all sounds off, and left it off except to send a text or picture to the wife. She liked getting a message now and then. showed I hadnt walked off a cliff lately lol she was quite a bit easier to deal with after I got home from the week long trip. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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