I had a stroke

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Sorry for your situation you’re very lucky to not suffer permanent damage. I had a series of mini strokes and at the time i didn’t realize what was happening it was just some bad dizziness but I ended up losing partial feeling in my left hand an arm feels like it fell asleep and never woke up.
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I am a 6-time stroke survivor over the last 10 years. It is a scary event, and the possibility of it happening again is overwhelming, too. I've had to re-teach myself how to type 6 times, and still cannot write or print, just scribble to be able to communicate.
The best action is an immediate reaction to a stroke. Get your numbers in line - weight, bloodwork (HDL, LDL, A1c, etc. etc.), exercise (start slow! Don't push yourself, just a little at a time, follow your neurologist's or PCP's orders!), low cal diet (cut out carbs, increase proteins), see a nutritionist, and reduce stress.
Any questions about meat I'd be glad to answer; I was a meat cutter, meat manager, deli-bakery manager, and District Supervisor for meat, cheese, deli, bakery, etc. for over 30 years, born and brought up in a meat market then went on to chain stores. Hind meats are far better for you than fore meats. Fats are twice the calories of lean meats. High cholesterol levels are killers. All the conventional wisdom about good meats are now reversed; lean vs. fat, less marbling vs. more, leaner hindquarter cuts vs. fattier forequarter cuts, and so on. Why? Because your life depends upon it. But! You can still enjoy smoked meats by careful regulation of what you're smoking. Instead of belly bacon, learn how to make buck board bacon, it's much leaner. Canadian bacon (side bacon it's also called). Corned beef and pastrami out of lean hindquarter meats vs. forequarter meats. Beef bacon, also, out of lean beef. Many of my links below this post are things I've made a/c my strokes, like naked smoked chickens!
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Glad it wasn't worse for you, 357!!
I had a stroke on Nov 8, 2012, but it happened while I was still unconscious from my Open Heart Surgery.
I got a bunch of things screwed up, but all I do is take a Ton of BP Meds & I eat just about anything I want, but with a lot of Portion Control. I haven't added salt to anything since then, and I am careful of the sodium content in processed foods I eat.
Hang in there Buddy!!

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357mag - Glad you are still with us. I had a couple of TIAs a while back, left me numb down my entire left side and now have an aneurysm clip somewhere in my brain. Scary stuff. I recovered. And I too have to watch my food intake and take pills. Somewhere along the line the doctors decided I needed a stent in one of the hearts big boys. More pills! One day at a time and everything in moderation. And I do not eat a meal without giving thanks to my Creator. I stopped taking life for granted. Hope you continue to get better with each passing day.
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I will not pretend to be a doctor but I will tell you something I tried and have had good luck with lowering my cholesterol level. Metamucil. I take a coffee mug each morning and put two big spoonfuls in it, top with cold water and swirl around. I use the sugar free kind and it tastes great. Like the old tang we drank growing up. All the fiber from the metamucil bonds with the cholesterol in your system and helps you eliminate it. It has helped get my cholesterol in check and I look forward to a glass when I wake up. Just my two cents, it can’t hurt anything to give it a try. (I’d do this along with anything else a doctor has suggested not in place of what a doctor has suggested). -Speedy recovery!
Thanks for all of the prayers you guys, this proves this is the best forum I have ever been part of. next week I have to go for heart surgery to close a hole in my heart that may have cause the blood clot to go to my brain in the first place. After the surgery my risk for another stroke is greatly reduced.
357, my prayers are with you. Sounds like you are getting good care (I am not a doc but have been in health care for quite some time) and looks like they found the main culprit.

Lot's of good, healthy things to smoke other than fatty meats. This forum has a boatload of ideas. Search it with reckless abandon!

God bless you. I’ve seen the stroke effects in my father in law. Glad you came out of this without impairment. Take it easy and all things in moderation.
Thanks for all of the prayers you guys, this proves this is the best forum I have ever been part of. next week I have to go for heart surgery to close a hole in my heart that may have cause the blood clot to go to my brain in the first place. After the surgery my risk for another stroke is greatly reduced.

I hope all goes good during the surgery. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Keep that blood pressure in check too.
About a week ago I suffered a stroke and as a result I am now on lipator so that means I will have to limit my cholesterol intake so I will have to cut back on my intake of pulled pork brisket and other fatty meats like bacon.That is really bad news. how I love my fatty meats. I have a prime packer in the freezer right now I am anxious to smoke. i just praise God that I didn't suffer any paralysis or other deficits and I know I should watch what I eat if I want to live a long life And not leave my wife a widow.The stroke left a golf ball sized lesion in my brain. it is a miracle i didn't suffer any paralysis or deficits. I will still eat brisket and pulled pork I just won't eat a pound at a time.
Glad you made it through ok!
You're doing an amazing job taking care of yourself and your health. Keep in mind that you can still enjoy the foods you love, just in moderation
Thanks for all of the prayers you guys, this proves this is the best forum I have ever been part of. next week I have to go for heart surgery to close a hole in my heart that may have cause the blood clot to go to my brain in the first place. After the surgery my risk for another stroke is greatly reduced.
Had my stroke 3/5/21 and this is what they think caused mine . (A-Fib) Didn't have any physical affects but was dizzy and couldn't answer questions correctly. People ask my name and I was trying to answer with numbers. I take lipator and xarelto along with linsapril.(sp?)
It did get me to stop smoking tobacco. Started smoking on my grills instead. Which has put 30 pounds on me. LoL
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Prayers for a quick recovery and to show appreciation that you came out okay. Glad to read that you are good.
Glad to hear you were not seriously impaired. Hoping for a quick recovery for you.

JC :emoji_cat:
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