How did you come up with your screen name?

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When I call my oldest daughter, her phone screen says Papa Bear calling. When I got heavy into smoking meat and decided to start a Facebook fan page, I decided on Papa Bear's BBQ. That way if I ever do competitions Mama Bear can help me.
Mine is my nickname. My first name is Sheldon, but became Shelly, then in my teens became Smelly. I was known for my epic farts. ;) I was a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Dirtbikes, quads, motorcycles, snowmobiles, skydiving, climbing, off roading, etc. I crashed so many times and broke so many bones that many of my friends started calling me Crash. At gatherings, old friends would refer to me as Smelly and new friends as Crash, so at some point, they came up with Smesh as a happy medium and it stuck.
The name Slo'Joe came about in 1997, I had gone through a divorce, had owned and ridden several rice burner bikes, got my Harley FLHTC in April, went to my favorite bar and bitched constantly about how slow that damn Harley was compared to the others, so from that, I became Slo'Joe, it stuck and was put on my bike. Just sold ol' blue last year, gettin to old to cut up on a bike, but I had a hell of a time, put over 120,000 miles on it, 
The stories are so long about my dog that I will not bore you with it.  Here is the short version about "aquacanis"  It is Latin for "water dog"  I used to raise labrador retrievers and had a runt that I could not sell.  She was gentle, kind, and loved all my four kids above all else.

When she was seven weeks old they had her on the beach at our house with all the other puppies getting them used to water and getting them ready to leave home (all others were sold and she had no home to go to).  As they all played around the water, she proceeded to swim out over her head, come back and shake off!  This is unbelievable for a puppy that age.  No fear whatsoever.  The kids immediately named her "waterdog" and the name stuck and we ended up stuck with her (AQUACANIS).  She turned out to be the best hunter anyone has ever seen in these parts.  She never got over 50 pounds and she retrieved ducks, geese, partridge and flushed and retrieved pheasants like no one could believe.  I hunted her 10 years until she got too old and I was afraid of her hurting herself.  Never, ever,  have I seen a dog equal to her hunting desire and stamina.  She actually tracked, ran down a pheasant and leaped and caught it as it attempted to fly from the ground!   I use her name with the greatest respect and in memory of her .  A hunter rarely finds a dog like her.  She passed away 29 years ago.  
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I am USTVMAN, a busy servicer of tv's here in San Diego. It also is the license plate on my classic 1990 Mercury Grand Marquis station wagon. It's big enough to take the family to Wally World (similar to the Family Truckster). What a ride......
I got my degree in geology and this was a variation that wasn't taken. It was the 2nd screen name I took on the internet---I just stuck with it. Originally it was spelled RocHed11 but i found out when I signed in to a site, caps weren't necessary
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Hello all,

I have been wondering about everyones screen names. Some seem obvious, some seem off the wall, some are funny...etc....etc.. How did you come up with them? What is the story behind that name?

I guess I will start. A year or so ago, I was looking for some different ways to prepare venison. I was on the computer searching for recipes for what seemed like weeks. I would tell my wife, check this recipe out.......hey how about this one..........this sounds good to.

After a few weeks of this she said "all you ever talk about is Deer Meat, Deer Meat, Deer Meat". During this internet searching period I stumbled across SMF and lurked in the background for a day or so and then decided to join. As I sat there thinking of a screen name, I recalled why I was here in the first place and started to laugh to myself about what my wife said about me and the Deer Meat. So that is when the light came on and the name DEER MEAT was born.

If you read this I hope you are still awake, sorry for the rambling.

I thought this might be an interesting thread.
Well my screen name is biblical as most probably knew that already. I actually used that name as a team name in the only BBQ competition I've had the pleasure of cooking in (so far). Would love to use that name again someday if no one else has it yet!
Well, am I showing my age (64), or does no one here remember the Book or the Movie, "the Naked Ape"?  Secondly, My primary online site is Survival Monkey.  Like here screen names pretty much are forever.  The name I used there is not "NakedApe", but is one that I thought would be much more appropriate.  I am pretty damn open in all things and what you see is what you get.  I chose to use a different name here than there.  I have a number of ape, chimp, and gorilla pics I could use for my avatar but also am a computer dinosaur and wasn't able to import it from my saved pics.  Oh well.
Well as it turns out I was looking for a computer handle back in 1996 and my dad said hey you to talk and you never shut so,, call yourself chopjaw! Ever since then it's stuck and it's been my handle for every place I've ever been online.
As a youngster I always loved race cars. Had a neighbor that owned a modified, and he would let me ride with them to the races locally on Saturday nights. When I turned 16 years old I became apart of a "pit crew", working on a sprint car. 50 years later, I'm still crazy about racing and especially about sprint car racing. So......  Sprntkrzy  ...... was just a natural. It was originally sprintcrazy, but I had left a provider and when I returned off course it told me that my username was already taken!  So....the mods were made..and I have been   Sprntkrzy  for over 20 years.
Sometimes it is impossible to come up with a unique screen name as every typical name is already taken.  I tried for over two hours to come up with a new screen name for my Internet ID.  Everything I wanted was already taken so I switched over to classical music composer names.  Hah!  That ended that search.  First one I tried worked ([email protected]).  I suspect there aren't many classical music buffs out there.

As for this site I live in Sun City Hilton Head, South Carolina.  Soooo.......SunCitySmokin was pretty easy to come up with. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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