Another Ice Tragedy Strikes (Pics)

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That sucks Robert. About when you think everything is cleaned up and starting to look good it seems something has to come and mess it up.
While it's heart breaking try to look at the bright side the trees are going to be alright in time. You didn't have enough projects going you needed to add another. Good luck and as others have said wish I was closer to help you get it cleaned up.
Oh man I feel for you. Mother Nature. I know how much your property means to you. We are thawing some today. Been stuck inside since Monday but I been sick anyway.
That’s terrible to see Robert, especially knowing all the hard work you guys put in with the previous clean up. I saw the ice storms on the news yesterday after you mentioned you got hit by them, and it looked really bad. We rarely get all ice like that, it’s usually a wintry mix, but I can’t recall seeing that much widespread damage.
That sucks! Hopefully they all recover from the damage!
We have managed over the past several years to buy three adjacent lots that total almost 4 acres. It was all totally raw, untouched land when we got it and we have spent years....countless thousands of hours, cleaning it up so it'd look nice. Limbed up thousands of trees, moved tons of rocks, removed all the ground scrub, and cut out hundreds of stumps.....all done by just Tracy and I. The place looks like national park land due to a huge amount of work on our part. This is the 3rd February in a row that we've gotten hit with ice storms that have wreaked havoc on the trees, with this one being the worst of the bunch. The icing started early Monday morning and has continued non-stop since. As of this posting, it is still coming down. Took a heartbreaking stroll around part of the property to survey the damage, and it is extreme.
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I only covered a small portion of the property, just stuff close to the house. I'm dreading seeing the carnage heading down the hill in the back to the canyon. So many hours and so much work destroyed in a matter of a few days. It is truly gut wrenching. Please understand that trees in this area are sacred. The "soil" is solid rock. If you want to put in a garden, you build up, not dig down. If you want to plant a tree, you get a jackhammer. For trees to grow to any decent size takes a long, long time. People go to extreme lengths to save trees for this reason. Yes, a lot of what is shown here are cedars but we have oaks in the back yard that are 2' in diameter that took some big hits too. Heck, those trees were probably around when Columbus came strolling through :emoji_laughing: Well, I've shed enough tears here. Now gotta get into the mindset to start the clean-up process, which is going to be a monumental task. Thanks for being here everybody so I have family to share the woes with.

Bummed and depressed,
Sorry to hear/see this buddy.
It seems this is going to be happening every year with no sign of getting lighter or going away. I've had pipes burst in my TX rental property 3 years in a row. Going to go waist high with attic insulation ASAP hahaha.

I'm fortunate that when I bought my house it already had solar panels on it. I see a home battery being added in the next couple of years as the state electric grid and power capability seems to get tested, almost fail, or absolutely fail, every year now.

I hope the clean up isn't too brutal my friend :)
Sorry, Robert. As an arborist, I can't tell you how many ice storms I've cleaned up after. We often worked daylight to dark 7 days a week to try to return folks to some sense of normalcy. It's probably a contributing factor to why I've had 2 surgeries on my spine to try and fix things I tore up. I can't say this more adamantly, I HATE ICE STORMS and the damage they do to trees as well as to me.
Sorry to hear this Robert. Hopefully you can keep those trees alive. I know after the big storm in Feb 21 a lot of the oaks around here are struggling. I found a few at work that were shedding their bark. I took some pruning spray to them so they will hopefully co to use to live. You have a beautiful property by the way.

Robert and Tracy, sorry to hear of the storm, and the pictures just suck.
But the two of you and the home are still good. All the work you both put into your place to make it yours and pretty
3 years in a row.

I myself really hate Ice and Wind storms, they can be devastating. Now the big job of clean up to go along with the regular things in life that were already on your list.
We still shake when ever a big wind comes through here , as a lot of the trees still have the 20' - 30' tops hanging up in the trees. Can only get to with maybe boom trucks.

We know your pain
Both of you take care

That is terrible. Something has really pi**ed off mother nature. We have tree issues more with wind than anything. Therefore no trees were placed close to house to avoid structural damage. Work safely as you start the cleanup process.
very sorry to see all that damage! mother nature sure seems to be in a bad mood for a long time now
Damn, what a kick in the crouch. Very sorry to see/hear this Robert.
Ice storms can be pretty nasty Robert. We see them every once in a while. So far our maples and evergreens have been able to survive the onslaught.
You know Chris, I honestly believe that trees up north have a superior DNA than trees down here. your trees are used to it. Ours...not so much.

That sucks Robert , ya better move to pa I think we have better weather
Thanks Jim but...uhhh...I don't think so. We get a few minutes of Winter, you get months and months of it. I moved here from northern IL to get away from cold. Not planning to move back :emoji_laughing:

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Sorry to hear Robert. Looks pretty much the same here. Will have to clear a few cedars off the driveway before we can get out of here. Gonna warm up Saturday
Appreciate it Jake. I heard you guys got hit pretty bad. At least I didn't have to clear trees out of the driveway. Best of luck digging out and cleaning up my friend. Not a fun task, that's for sure.

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