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  1. 3 drum smoker

    3 drum smoker

  2. vegassmoke

    3 drum smoker

    I'm nearing the end of my build of two 55 gal drums welded together end to end and one 55 gal drum on the bottom as the firebox. I have two 6" holes coming from the bottom of the firebox with flues leading into the cook chamber. I am going to have a plate the runs all the way across the bottom...
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  7. vegassmoke

    Converting to SFB

    Hello, I'm converting over to charcoal/wood from electric and gas. I'm looking to spend under 500 for something that will last awhile and is a proven product. I have a gas grill, and a safe type electric smoker right now and have been smoking in the electric for about 1 1/2 years. I've done alot...