My first Brisket + CoC and Stuffed Jalepeno's in the smoker

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Original poster
Jun 18, 2011
Powell, TN
The Brisket is wrapped in foil and towels and in my cooler, I hit 200 IT a little quicker than I'd planned following Bearcarvers awesome how too guide. Fixing to put the Corn and Jalepeno's on the smoker, hopefully I haven't hosed the Brisket and everything is good. I'll post pics once everything is complete

Regardless I'll learn from it and drive on!
Sounds good
I was really worried about the 2 briskets, both were flats, 3.5 pounder and 3.75 pounder. The heavier of the two made 160 in about 3 hours (thats the one I was worried about because it got to 160 that quick, I foiled it, added some sauce and drove on. The lighter one took another hour to hit 160, foiled, sauced same as the other. My wifes Thermo died (in the bigger one) and I was using the MES one in the other. The smaller one was taking longer so I just said screw it I'll pull both when the MES thermo reads 200. That occurred around 3:15pm so the total time for both was 7:00am - 3:15pm. I wrapped em in towels and threw them in the cooler we cut the 3.5 pounder at 5:00pm and the 3.75 pounder at 5:30pm. The 3.5 pounder was great and the 3.75 pounder was really great (it had a better fat blanket out of the package in my opinion). My dad loved it as well as the Corn and stuffed Jalepenos! Here's the promised pics

3.5 pounder


3.75 pounder


My Secret Mac and Cheese and Baked Beans with some rib meat from the night before thrown in for good measure


Corn on the Cob


Stuffed Jalepenos


Overall Awesome 2nd meal on my MES 40, wife is now totally in agreement with my purchase

Thanks again for the step by step from Bearcarver for the brisket, not sure who's post I got the Jalepeno's and corn from but thanks all the same!
Posted my finished pics but it says its being held for moderation since I'm new, guess we will have to wait....
Looks good from here. Now that you have the first one out of the way you can focus on the second one. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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