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  1. J

    No cure dry age.

    I got ya 100 Percent . I know you weren’t
  2. J

    No cure dry age.

    I see what you are saying
  3. J

    No cure dry age.

    I appreciate the help for sure it’s just hard for me to get my questions across
  4. J

    No cure dry age.

    Using umami is still dry aging correct? It’s just a different methods in the fridge rather a drying chamber? Is this right or am I wrong?
  5. J

    No cure dry age.

    I have 3 different whole muscles dry aging in the fridge in UMAI bags. I had a pork loin that I cured using cure #1 and then smoked. I tried a chop from the loin today and it had a very very hammy taste that I didn’t care for much. I used the correct amount of cure for sure. Question is are all...
  6. J

    Butchers netting and Maple syrup?

    I dry brined a pork loin for Canadian bacon. I did not add maple syrup in the ingredients for the initial cure in the fridge. Could I have added maple syrup with out a problem? I’m Also can butcher netting go in the smoker?
  7. J

    Cured whole muscle smoked to 160

    If I cure whole muscle properly and finish it in the smoker at 160 can that product be eaten with out further cooking? For instance if a use an eye of round cure it then smoke it to 145-160 is it then ok to eat or does it require further cooking?
  8. J

    Pork Belly Curing

    Totally of topic but I was looking through the forum and went to this thread and saw you a a combat engineer. I was a combat engineer with 1-12 can got out in 08
  9. J

    digging dog app

    Sorry Doug I miss typed. I dry brine just want to know for whole muscle cures using #1 cure what parts per million I should use. Right know I have just been using the .25% of the meat weight to calculate my cure
  10. J

    PPM cure#1 for whole muscle

    Hi everyone, I have been doing lots of research on my own but cant seem to find what t PPM of cure #1 is recommended for whole muscle curing. I want to do american bacon,canadian bacon and buckboard bacon. I want to do dry brine. I have checked all of the calculators and most ask for the PPM of...
  11. J

    Josh from Tx

    Hi everyone, Just getting into curing meat and joined to lean the safety guidlines.
  12. J

    digging dog app

    Hi everyone, I have been doing lots of research on my own but cant seem to find what t PPM of cure #1 is recommended for whole muscle curing. I want to do american bacon,canadian bacon and buckboard bacon. I want to do dry brine. I have checked all of the calculators and most ask for the PPM of...