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  1. W

    More Cumberland sausage

    Just made a batch. It was one of the best sausages i've had! It reminds me of a breakfast sandwich sausage i would get in England and haven't found anything like it in the states. Seriously good sausage. I had it with mashed potatoes and sauerkraut, but this will be my go to breakfast sausage.
  2. W

    More Cumberland sausage

    Never heard of Cumberland sausage, trying it out for breakfast this weekend. Sounds delicious
  3. W

    My Weekend Meatapoluzza

    Sausage looks great! I too recently purchased a vac seal and find myself making excuses to use it and vac seal anything, ha.
  4. W

    A Curtido Repollo Recipe.

    this looks so good. Trying this out with some green chile added
  5. W

    Polish Sausage

    recipe on p 235 of 1001 great sausage recipes but i added a few more spices: amounts are per kilo salt : 18g cure #1: 2.5g white pepper: 3g marjoram: .5g (powder) garlic: 3.5g (powder) mustard: 2g black course pepper: 3g (i like the look of it in...
  6. W

    Polish Sausage

    Will do! I’ll semd it over tomorrow
  7. W

    Polish Sausage

    Final thoughts for myself. Be sure meat is super cold and blade is sharp (I bought a replacement), use a digital thermo, spices go a long way ( I think I’ve been over spicing), finally buy a high quality hot casing.
  8. W

    Polish Sausage

  9. W

    Polish Sausage

    Results. They are fantastic… Finally! Ha.
  10. W

    Polish Sausage

    The casing feel so much better and dry. I wonder if that helped too? Using better casings
  11. W

    Polish Sausage

    About to pull at 150 and cold water shower.
  12. W

    Polish Sausage

    Yep. Thanks
  13. W

    Polish Sausage

    Marinski book
  14. W

    Polish Sausage

    After three disasters I decided to take a month off at least from sausage.. 5 days later I’m back at it! I’m pretty sure I figured out my issues… I wasn’t using any digital meat thermometers and was running at least 25 degrees hotter! I’m an idiot. Also bought some bulk hog casings from the...
  15. W

    Beef and Lamb Sausage (80/20 mix)

    I’m wondering if it might be how I’m smoking them using the dowel rods instead of just laying them flat on the grill like I didn’t first?
  16. W

    Beef and Lamb Sausage (80/20 mix)

    Welp, results are in from the kids. The beef/sheep was the least worst ha. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but the last three sausages I’ve made have come out way too juicy. It’s like taking a bite into a watery meat concoction. I weighed the meat and fat seperately and I only put a half cup...
  17. W

    Beef and Lamb Sausage (80/20 mix)

    Right is beef/sheep left is 100% beef. Taste test coming soon. Just need to reheat after cold water bath
  18. W

    Beef and Lamb Sausage (80/20 mix)

    Front is beef lamb mix, back is all brisket. Just put them on.
  19. W

    Beef and Lamb Sausage (80/20 mix)

    sure thing. Yes, I'm not going to tell the wife and kids what is in the "improved" version.
  20. W

    Beef and Lamb Sausage (80/20 mix)

    I had an idea for a beef and lamb smoked sausage and was thinking an 80/20 mix. I'll post updates as I go along this weekend, however i was curious is this a bad idea? ha. My thought is that the lamb would add a bit of umami flavor and make the sausage a bit more beefy/rich tasting. Love to...